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Balance ATR-50 The GR Mystery Gun


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What do you want to be changed?

I would like the ATR-50 aka the Mystery Gun from the GR Auction to be Increased in Rarity. 

Explanation of suggestion?

I would like that the gun that was auctioned off to be put in a higher rarity since its only common the reason is beacuse its a one time exclusive gun which is suppose to be special. And beacuse people have told me there are two more ATR-50s in the wasteland that i am pretty sure are owned by devs and at least one of them is Legendary which makes no sense to me i know he made the gun so all props to him but why is his Legendary while the one people bought in the Auctioned that alot of people grinded for be 3 raritys lower then his. I dont know if the other third guy that i was told about that i have never met ATR-50 is also legendary or if he even has one i can only go off what i have heard . But i know for a fact that one of the devs has a legendary one beacuse he came up to me after the auction and asked me what rarity mine was and when i told him it was common he was suprised stating that his was legendary and that he tought mine being common was weird. I think that the gun being put to the same rarity as theirs if not to Superior is only fair due to us the players actually grinding for this gun while they did not have to in game wise , Again obviously i understand he/they created the gun but it doesnt feel fair to me or the people who payed for it to be the lowest rarity and theirs the highest. Body shot wise the Gauss Rifle is stronger with 25 damage compared to the Common ATR-50 which this gun is compared to I understand that this gun has a 3x Headshot Multiplier but people need to also think of how many people have a headshot hitbox compared to the people who dont which is more beacuse of PA, Legacy Armor, Super Mutants ,Robot, Creatures Etc.

How or why does this benefit the server?

I think it shows that the Community is put first and would be happy about it beacuse it would show that the Guns we get and grind for have more of a value then the guns that get spawned in for free in game grind wise obviously they worked hard making it but still we the players should feel more rewarded in my opinion due to us being the people playing mainly. 

Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion?


Thank you in advance for reading my forum post and have a good day.

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On 5/13/2024 at 7:28 PM, Haroxan said:

No the gun is designed to be used against those with head hitboxes, also not GR's fault ya'll overpaid for the gun at like 400K.

I dont want this to turn into an argument post but could you please make the argument for the 2 other people with the same gun at legendary status why should they be allowed to use them in the server?

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On 5/13/2024 at 7:34 PM, Haroxan said:

Robert is the only one with a legendary variant of the gun, and that's because he made the model and has done so for many of the other models on the server you also had the gun runner say that the gun would be common multiple times during the Auction. 

Thank you for your response.

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On 5/13/2024 at 1:00 PM, Monolos said:

What do you want to be changed?

I would like the ATR-50 aka the Mystery Gun from the GR Auction to be Increased in Rarity. 

Explanation of suggestion?

I would like that the gun that was auctioned off to be put in a higher rarity since its only common the reason is beacuse its a one time exclusive gun which is suppose to be special. And beacuse people have told me there are two more ATR-50s in the wasteland that i am pretty sure are owned by devs and at least one of them is Legendary which makes no sense to me i know he made the gun so all props to him but why is his Legendary while the one people bought in the Auctioned that alot of people grinded for be 3 raritys lower then his. I dont know if the other third guy that i was told about that i have never met ATR-50 is also legendary or if he even has one i can only go off what i have heard . But i know for a fact that one of the devs has a legendary one beacuse he came up to me after the auction and asked me what rarity mine was and when i told him it was common he was suprised stating that his was legendary and that he tought mine being common was weird. I think that the gun being put to the same rarity as theirs if not to Superior is only fair due to us the players actually grinding for this gun while they did not have to in game wise , Again obviously i understand he/they created the gun but it doesnt feel fair to me or the people who payed for it to be the lowest rarity and theirs the highest. Body shot wise the Gauss Rifle is stronger with 25 damage compared to the Common ATR-50 which this gun is compared to I understand that this gun has a 3x Headshot Multiplier but people need to also think of how many people have a headshot hitbox compared to the people who dont which is more beacuse of PA, Legacy Armor, Super Mutants ,Robot, Creatures Etc.

How or why does this benefit the server?

I think it shows that the Community is put first and would be happy about it beacuse it would show that the Guns we get and grind for have more of a value then the guns that get spawned in for free in game grind wise obviously they worked hard making it but still we the players should feel more rewarded in my opinion due to us being the people playing mainly. 

Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion?


Thank you in advance for reading my forum post and have a good day.

I don’t see any reason this gun should be increased in rarity…. It is a ballistic gauss that has 3x headshot multiplier. While I think Robert deserves to have the gun, he shouldn’t have it in legendary rarity as all this does is just inflate the server weapon balance. However, I also don’t believe you guys deserve to have your rarity increased. You chose to pay the amount you paid, nobody forced you to pay that much… enjoy the gun!

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I mean, they literally said ITS A COMMON ATR!!! and Talon got involved in a bidding war for it which ended at 400k, which resulted in Talon buying the gun.

Talon either 

A: Didn't intend to buy the gun, and was just hoping the other person would outbid them at some ridiculously high price (like 400k) and spend too much money, then got burned when they weren't outbid
B: didn't realize that the mystery item may not be some superweapon that does 10 trillion damage, and may in fact just be another high end like the rest of the weapons that started bidding at 100k, ended up buying a 3x head gauss for half a million caps


either way, the thing talon bought should not get buffed because they overpaid. You bought it, now live with it, no refunds. I will say that I can't really decide on robert having a legendary, considering most dev weapons (where devs are given a weapon as a reward) are very strong/legendary. Would be weird to nerf only robert.

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On 5/13/2024 at 11:12 AM, Bongo said:

Imagine spending all your factions money on a dogshit gun than complaining about it on the forums. Bringing IC OOC. Buy better guns.

I mean if HE doesn't wan it, you should take it off his hands.

Edited by ThunderWolf
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HAHA you guys are actually insane i dont regret buying the gun first of all second of all i dont mind it being common but i wanted it to be higher rarity since there is one already at the highest rarity and no the faction didnt buy this gun it was me and 2 of my friends who made most of the money in 1 day and some of it was borrowed but has mostly been paid of already so stop with the yapping session i think the gun is awesome just wanted it to be like the other one.

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On 5/15/2024 at 11:17 PM, Payne said:

Thats just upsetting if you made that much money in a day...

what is upsetting is you not fixing the gr vendor like you said you were gonna for 3 weeks then having a grudge against me beacuse i called you out on it multiple times.

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