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  3. I don’t know why this shit ever got added other than to add more drip but honestly with how retarded people are it ended up being a negative
  4. 60-70k for a item that would now give a Per +5 boost even though modulators and implants exist to reaccumulate that amount? No thanks. -1.
  5. ACCEPTED. Report to the Elders Office for debriefing, bring knee pads.
  6. Steam ID STEAM_0:1:111126327 Discord ID Jonathann1 State your full birth name Lapp Colt What Role are you Interested in? Knights or Brimstone. Summarize your history and story. My upbringing in the Washington Brotherhood was filled with rigorous training, both intellectual and physical, to prepare for obtaining technology and fighting enemies within the wasteland. Ensuring the safety of his brothers, he decided to become a full fledged member. Explain the Washington Brotherhoods ideology and mission. The mission is to become a prominent power in the wasteland and secure technology. What is the codex? How important is it to you? Don't sell tech or give it away. Advanced tech is to be given to hc/officers. Chems are to be used during combat only. Tribalistic acts are only allowed towards slaves/enemies. Treat all members as blood. The codex is important so that we can work together and work towards our goals. Do you promise to follow the codex now until the end, or face punishment as a traitor? Yes
  7. Steam ID STEAM_0:1:111126327 Discord ID Jonathann1 State your full birth name Lapp Colt What Role are you Interested in? Knights or Brimstone. Summarize your history and story. My upbringing in the Washington Brotherhood was filled with rigorous training, both intellectual and physical, to prepare for obtaining technology and fighting enemies within the wasteland. Ensuring the safety of his brothers, he decided to become a full fledged member. Explain the Washington Brotherhoods ideology and mission. The mission is to become a prominent power in the wasteland and secure technology. What is the codex? How important is it to you? Don't sell tech or give it away. Advanced tech is to be given to hc/officers. Chems are to be used during combat only. Tribalistic acts are only allowed towards slaves/enemies. Treat all members as blood. The codex is important so that we can work together and work towards our goals. Do you promise to follow the codex now until the end, or face punishment as a traitor? Yes
  8. What do you want to be changed? Get rid of VATS in exchange for a flat Perception Boost of +5 Explanation of suggestion? 1. VATS right now is ass, it works 10-25% of the time. So you're gambling on whether the server or code is working properly so that you can actually shoot your gun and not get a glorified tik tok filter zoom in with numbers flashing. 2. The cost for the Pipboy does not make sense for the shit system it's giving you and therefor would not be bought unless you like to waste money on a unfunctional wearable cosmetic. 3. It turns weapons that were not meant to be medium to long range into glorified DMRs with amazing accuracy. (No a DB or Riot should not become a slug of a weapon, you're meant to be CQC not American Sniper.) The Fix? Make the Pipboy give a flat +5 Perception boost to you when you equip it. (Yes I know FOA has a Perc implant but that's easily removed on PK, No VATS shouldn't "Stay were it is" because otherwise you'd be clogging the server with "shit that should stay were it is") How or why does this benefit the server? Cleaning up the fucking broken system and giving some actual use to the Pipboy. Also an excuse to get rid of VATS so the server has one less thing to be weigh downed. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? NO
  9. Yeah.... when its too late.... This economy was experimented with in several ways in an entire year and 3 wipes. It is a colossal failure with 0 room to grow, unrewarding looting, and boring mechanics. It will stay that way no matter what you do, and if it doesn't it will tire people out to grind even more. Public vendors have 0 room to grow due to the little spread in numbers, no matter what argument you make this economy is unstable and miserable to play, there is 1 meta and forever will be only one meta between farming as a core faction player or afk mindlessly gather materials for random shit. Looting is useless, reselling weapons to vendors relentlessly is useless, selling weapon frames and BPs is useless, everything is a pain.
  10. Here is your list in question, quotes proven through your list with various defensive explanations that counteract your claims: The first 4 seemed reasonable but arguably to have it revert to CGC's economy is a bit to strung out, however in terms with "Reason 5", the issue stemed from the fact that vendor prices weren't generally fixed. This was already suggested that the melee vendor should've been fixed, but the problem here is the fact that Devs simply neglected the vendor. You already made the stock suggestion prior, as of this date of me typing this, SC hasn't even gotten to this (IDEFK why.). If you forgot, don't worry, because I found the link to your prior suggestion post here below: Again, with the server not fully up, it's difficult to see whether your stock idea is the only resolvable idea to actually deflating the economy. Changing it to CGC's without even knowing the massive changes they'll do it practically overkill if you're wrong. I don't and this is a fucking stupid reason. Contradicting with the other "Reason 5", Melee vendor was practically untouched and was only so when people started complaining about it, the same also went with other vendors that were apparently outdated. Not to name certain "Grinders" *ahem* Thaddeus... but I'm pretty sure they were going to start nerfing cores by setting limits to their vendors so players can't pull all-nighters on grinding for money. At the same time, an alternative could be to raise the tax on the player bank and fully implement a sort of Vendor Bank, wasn't that ANOTHER suggestion you had put out prior? PF/Mugging Cope Reason; Raising mugging level was already discussed and was proven that it's redundant, you're just giving devs more workload to fix a ton of shit which includes the slaving vendor system... again for the third time in a fucking row.
  11. The economy is essentially inflated because of items for the most part; changing the economy to CGC's economy changes nothing. It simply has to to do with the fact that a LOT of players managed to get items so easily and the rest of their money goes to essentially nothing. If this changes, this just further divides the common player from the veteran for who gets what as arguable this benefits merchants getting MORE money than what they current have on hand. -1. You're doing this post waayyy to early, especially given your other suggestions pertaining to changing stocks and such. Wait until the server is ACTUALLY up before suggesting something such as this. And I looked over all your reasons, all of them as various other reasons as to why the current economy was a "failure". But if you're not willing to take my word for it, then by all means, I'd be glad to explain them all to the class.
  12. Earlier
  13. Steam ID Steam ID: 76561198858868596 Discord ID sargentnoob Interview State your full birth name Bonker Hill What Role are you Interested in? Brimstone Summarize your history and story. Growing up in the confines of the gas station bunker, Bonker learned to adapt to the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic world. Raised by a group of survivors who had sought refuge in the bunker, he quickly became familiar with the dangers and challenges of the wasteland. As Bonker came of age, he found himself drawn to the thrill of exploration and the adrenaline of survival. His adventurous spirit led him to venture beyond the safety of the bunker, where he encountered the lawless world of raiders. Embracing the raider lifestyle, Bonker honed his skills in combat and resourcefulness, earning a reputation for his cunning tactics and fearless demeanor. As Bonker Hill became a member of the Washington Brotherhood, he found a new sense of purpose and belonging. His experiences in the gas station bunker had shaped him into a resilient and skilled survivor, He joined the Brimstone to solidify his stay in the Washington Brotherhood, and through all this kept his strong spirit and will to survive Do you promise to follow the codex now until the end, or face punishment as a traitor? Yes
  14. That my friend is because almost nothing requires a "developer preceptive" the suggestion is to change vendor prices, because we're going to a new map you have to do a lot of that anyway. The "actionable intelligence" is changing the prices you sell/buy items in waster vendors to their CGC counterparts and increase F1 buy prices considerably the only "developer preceptive" is changing the bank limit from 100k to 1mil Just because you're special doesn't mean the suggestion doesn't make sense. If you had more than 1 neuron firing you would get it
  15. Tell me how and why this economy is successful.
  16. whole post is just dumb... from a developer preceptive. nothing here is actionable intelligence or useful information this is a bitching crying fit.
  17. you did not earn that karma vro. . .

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