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  1. As this is a staff report, I will providing my opinion based on a staff members report and your request for a pk reversal, I will not consider grievances of player actions as that would be a player report. [The PK] Throughout the entire sit, you argued with your captors, not on the basis of not needing to listen to them because of a lack of FearRP, no , because they would not use IC terms. It would have been one thing if you had asked for the corrections in good faith, but the issue was you nitpicked it every time. When being explained how to farm, you immediately dove into this game that I am dubbing "ruleplaying". You were asked explicitly if you knew how to farm, when they started explaining to you the rules in place for slave-farming, you asked "whats a pk" of course said response is an explanation of what a pk is, then you nitpicked that they explained what a PK is in OOC terms Within in a minute of interaction, you proved that you would be the most disruptive captive, which all stemmed from a question that a new player would reasonably ask. Your armor, is not a documented armor like Officer ones are, and that's a assuming you're wearing a tagged NCO uniform for the NCR. So within the timeframe of a minute and fifteen seconds, the entire context of this initial interaction turned from "oh this NCR is a bob" to "Oh, this NCR is intentionally performing disruptively" especially when he slips and says "inventory" and quickly corrects himself to "sack" as you asked what an "inventory" was, you then denied that he said sack, instead of doing what a faithful roleplayer would do, which is to go along with the correction meaningfully, such as "oh you meant sack, alright" and that is ignoring that "Inventory" is a real world term that though, would not refer to ones personal effects or bags or pockets, etc, it is not outright failrp and is a grammatical contention. Mind you, this fucking wall of text I typed happens within the first minute and 15 seconds, the fact that no one sat and listened to you babble and argue with Tonio about how them using ooc terms means you acting like a piss-ant and disrupting the flow of this interaction at any small step is not worth listening to, which you proved that you would at the inventory/sack debacle. I only did because you're claiming people didn't even watch the clip. Tonio witnessed you playing this silly game Three and a Half minutes into the clip when you asked what an F1 is. Your attempt to "encourage roleplay" is unnecessarily combative and absolutely self-centered in goal, you're attempting to drain the timer of use of your person from the slaver so they can't get as much out of you than the easy 2000 caps and trust me, I hate this loophole mug system that is allowed where they can demand a pay for release and it's still not a PK for mugging cause you technically willingly paid for your release, I get it. But this is an absolutely horrid way to encourage roleplay term usage, in my opinion, a better way is to offer a questioning revising of terminology if you truly care. such as when he said PK, instead of a blunt "what is a PK" you could have offered "A PK? Does that mean you're going to kill me?!" this changes the interaction to a more light-hearted one and may engage the slaver to engage accordingly. Not even "Serious roleplay" Red Dead Redemption servers are this strict with terminology, allowing usage of phrasing like "you need you flex your (key) muscle" to teach newer roleplayers, which by the way you handled this would not even be allowed in your eyes on those actual serious RP servers, which I need to remind you that Divide Fallout RP is not a SERIOUS RP server, it is a roleplay server. Which would mean that a roleplayer of all experience types is allowed to play, so long as you are willing to roleplay. You were not however, you sought it fit to ruleplay. [Staff Inaction] Tonio throughout the sit made only one attempt to curb the aggressive behavior of the slavers, he should have done more, like when the players continued to gag you to rile you up, he should have stopped them. Tonio should have let you speak your mind, definitely! However, regardless of the slavers actions, or Tonio's inaction this scenario wouldn't have changed in my opinion. [Conclusion] Throughout the interaction and the staff sit, you maintained an excessive amount of unwillingness to cooperate, which you claim is to enforce standards and rules expected of the server. The problem is your actions speak louder than the lighter words typed in the OP. You intentionally used the noble encouragement of roleplay standards to gain in some way or another. Be it wasting the Slavers time on you (kidnap timer or genuinely wasting time) or simply to get a rise out of the slaver which is disrespectful of their time on the server as well. Tonio, when entering and conducting his sit had all the information necessary to follow through with the PK, you stated clearly you would only comply with demands if they used the proper roleplay terms and proceeded to showcase that handling when presented with an OOC term being thrown your way as your immediate questioning instead of correction made it clear you would be combative. Which all of this would tell me you wouldn't even know how to tell someone to press F1 IC'ly, making you a hypocrite, or you intentionally did not want them to learn, which makes you a word that I cannot say here. Your attempted arguments on Fear Roleplay will also be largely ignored, as this is not the crux of the issue that was presented within the clip, and you are simply thinking back on a confrontation and finally came up with that sweet comeback. Sadly, it was lame. The most Tonio deserves is a verbal reprimand for not deescalating or reprimanding the slavers during the sit when the slavers got haughty. -10 for making me type a wall, cause otherwise you would assume I didn't watch your clip.
  2. A: Name, and date of birth Randall Rhodes Dec. 30th 20xx B: Descriptive explanation of your career Survivor of the massacare of El Kuroke, a small town near the Arizona-Mexico border, he found himself volunteering into the Desert Rangers just outside of Vegas. He persisted his career and moved north at the request of High-Command needing volunteers to persist north into Seattle. C; If allowed to choose, how would you exact justice? There is a firm belief that all souls know what is right from wrong, and willful abandonment of morals allows for the abandonment of drawn out justice systems. Non-Torturous Execution is an often chosen sentence. D; What's the point of being a Desert Ranger? To protect the feeble and to inspire the able. E: If made to choose between saving one ranger, and three civilians, who would you save? And why? Desert Rangers take an oath to save the lives of those deemed innocent and to risk their life trying. As such, the expectation of death is apart of a Desert Rangers service, though not intentionally recklessly. The civilians would have greater priority as this may inspire them to take up arms and assist the Desert Rangers. OOC Portion: A: Previous characters; names, and affiliations (CGC, and Divide) Joshua Shephard, CGC CC 3.0->6.0 Nicholas DuPont, CGC NCR 1st Recon 6.0 Damian Graham, Divide DR 1.0 Talus Yearling, Divide Outcasts 3.0 Randall Rhodes, Divide DR 3.0 B: Discord ID: sythen C; Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:78217818 D; Timezone: EST
  3. From now on, please use the phrase "Run those pockets, Nuka"
  4. No one abides to an rp wipe SC will not be able to keep up with changing behaviors within a month and we'll go right back to normal. Odd how its "RP wipe" but excluding the most rp of the server, research.
  5. Shephard

    Epic Chem!!!

    I ultimately wouldn't care if House and GK had some exclusivity on some chems (not just super stimpaks), it would drive drug trade and GK could have a legitimate reason to exist along with competition. But most people think you shouldnt give a faction items to justify its existence existence +1 tho
  6. Im gonna be honest, if I heard "drop your snap" id assume the experience ahead of me is mind numbing enough that Id rather risk a ban.
  7. Fucker didn't even post the armor model
  8. frankly, there should just be a cool down, the most egregious issue with SB's (including factions who have is hard-coded to WL's and Armors) is the quick switching between the utility and whatever weapon is at their disposal. Making them KOS would be silly, when the easier idea is the cooldown as it fixes some of the most broken aspects of an SB, in my opinion at least.
  9. Just remove peoples spawned in guns, the only reason a gun should be spawned in is if its a reimbursement issue, field testing for balancing or some third reason I cant think of, not because some fucking gay ass SC/Dev wants a legendary gun just so he can kill the pixels on the screen more than another.
  10. -1, as a big proponent of this idea from CGC, I have seen first hand this does not "heal" a factions activity. The reality is we should start pushing for locking factions that are not active, CKing all on the whitelist (staff can CK and Un-CK dont worry) and each player who wants to continue said slot can contact staff to coordinate a time to offload Faction specific gear from said player, not just the general branded item, but like, the gear beholden to a faction. This stops any attempt to have factions just open up and then lock when people have gear they'd want.
  11. Though I understand that this would be logical, this is also a videogame, we cant apply logic all the time and creating another rule that staff must enforce is more a detriment to the sanity of those who VOLUNTEER to moderate the server, than it is a benefit to those who feel it should be enacted (just you so far).
  12. whats worse is he did the first time, but failed the second time.
  13. I hate nerf suggestions because it always results in a few ending scenarios. 1: It was actual baby rage cause the one guy in power armor didn't beat the other guy in power armor, cause the other guy had a better gun and reaction time. uh-oh stinky. 2: A nerf is suggested but no one reveals stats because for whatever reason a simple fucking public excel sheet doesn't exist for this which would make this discussion extremely easy. 3: It did need a nerf, BUT because the guy suggesting it is a mouth-breather, no one took it seriously or was conveniently easy to discard by SC who didn't want to nerf it cause it benefits them 4: It did need a nerf, BUT the more "vocal" section of the community doesn't want it nerfed because it benefits them 5: It did need a nerf, but the people who would be effected by this change bait the OP of the suggestion into a fight and it results in the thread locking and ignored. 6: It didn't need a nerf, but SC are effected by the weapon, so it's nerfed to be horrible (often when the faction just got the weapon) 7: It didn't need a nerf, but the vocal side of the community are ass-mad at pixels on a screen. often when the faction just got the weapon) I am not saying any one of these endings are explicitly this post, but it's going to have one of these gay endings instead of an actual discussion of what's reasonable and not Make a fucking Excel sheet that's public at this rate, everyone will know how every weapon performs, I am partial to cartridge based damage scaling (all 9mm does similar damage, all 5.56 does similar damage) with minor variables, but that doesn't work as well when it comes to Energy weapons. But I will literally sit there and document every weapons stat if no one else is willing to do it.
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