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  1. What do you want to be changed? Wipe the server and take 2 weeks to fix the various bugs and crashing problems and do a map change Explanation of suggestion? as it stands the server player count has dropped dramatically over the last few weeks due to various reasons the constant crashing, spawned weapons, ETC if we wipe the server and give the developers time to fix the crashing issue and various bugs How or why does this benefit the server? it will give the devs time to fix the server and improve it Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? fuck my forum reputation
    17 points
  2. What do you want to be changed? Add an "Inject" option to chems. functioning identically to the one used on Unstable F.E.V Explanation of suggestion? Instead of having to drop your stimpak for your friend to use you can now directly inject it into them. Or you can use psycho on a legionnaire as a torture method How or why does this benefit the server? pretty self explanatory but theres four main points that this benefits Medics can directly "administer" chems to patients Anti-chem factions can be forced to take chems while kidnapped BigMT can lace people with saturnite crack During combat, dedicated combat medics can give chems to other combatants. ++ Thered probably have to be a rule about no randomly injecting chems, rp interaction or reason needed Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? (Paste links here)
    12 points
  3. What do you want to be changed? Removal of Second in Command armor from all Core Factions. Explanation of suggestion? As the Major of NCR and Ex-Caesar I have used two sets of 2IC armor; the sets are unnecessary and just make core factions more overpowered than they need to be. It's too much to keep track of and stupid to have to handle. Just go back to one FL Armor. How or why does this benefit the server? Less unique armor sets.
    9 points
  4. I will sell drugs to everyone and anyone this is a serious application
    7 points
  5. What do you want to be changed? Explanation of suggestion? How or why does this benefit the server? Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? Theres not really a reason for me to follow the format for this since its more loose rambling than a direct suggestion, id really appreciate discussion and criticism of these ideas in the replies Idea 1: Base-exclusive Utilities Factions who claim certain bases gain access to unique utilities that are pre-included with the base, and lose access again once they move out. Factions can also research upgrades to these utilities and if they move base or are conquested out, - the utility keeps the researched upgrade. Examples: A rundown bar has a barrel that can turn Maize and Tarberries into the Exotic Wine item. If the Van Graffs use this as their base, they gain access to this barrel and can sell the drinks. A small town called New Haven was recently claimed by the Desert Rangers. the base includes a dirty water well and a stash box. The water well belongs to Desert Rangers now, and they hire the Followers to research an upgrade to the well to make it produce purified water. Then the desert rangers move out to live closer to NCR. and the Minutemen claim the town - inheriting the purified water well. The outcasts move into a bunker near the main city that has a fusion core generator. The generator is now theirs Fiends move into an old abandoned shack called "Gronk's House" inside the shack is a vendor called "Gronk" who sells trigger bombs and frag grenades. Fiends can now make the vendor only accessible by them. But they are conquested out by Hellcats, who wanted the shack in order to gain access to Gronk, and to have a strategic location near an Extractor. Paradise Falls move into a camp on the edge of the map. Inside one of the tents is an Enlisted Faction Storage. they can now access it as if it were their own. Idea 2: Planned Scarcity + Base Tiers MAKE IT SO THERE ARE LESS BASES THAN CUSTOM FACTIONS. Maybe 2 less bases? that causes a scarcity of bases and puts the two bottom custom factions in a situation where they are either homeless or need to share with another faction. Also build base locations in a way for there to be 2 tiers. Tier 1 - Shitty, literally like a claimable building or a few tents Tier 2 - Decent, with a few defenses and the base covers a bit more land. Tier 1 bases are the one you settle for if you dont care about defensibility or are inactive. Tier 2 are the actually good bases that customs would fight over. Idea 3: NO MORE RESERVED BASES no more protecting customs from conquests because "its their lore base". If say, PLA want to conquest the Vault-Tec Vault. Let them try! and if they succeed, vault tec are exiled from their vault and need to change up their RP and hope to reclaim it back.Or if WBOS get their own special bos-themed bunker, let the Outcasts siege it and take it for themselves. Theres many more examples but in my opinion, NO CUSTOMS SHOULD BE SAFE FROM CONQUESTS. Idea 4: Core Territory and Influence Bases in a core's "Quarter" of the map (Quarter being dictated by staff council at the start of wipe) can be "Influenced" by the core. For example, if PF move in right outside the NCR town, the NCR can try to force them to pay tax, or outright force them out. Forcing a custom out of a base would just be a simple base conquest, but if the core wins the custom is kicked out and isnt allowed to reclaim the base for a set amount of time. If the custom wins however, they can demand reparations from the core and also cannot be re-attacked for a set amount of time. This feature would prevent a faction like the desert rangers basing right outside Legion's front gates and legion being unable to do anything about it. I might edit this over time but those were my ideas.
    7 points
  6. FORMAT: Question 1.) What is your in-game name?: Caleb Bren Question 2.) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86671293 Question 3.) Discord ID: succubuslayer Question 4.) What is your motivation for applying for Papa Khan [FL] position?: My motivation is to return the Great Khans to a state similar to how it was early 1.0 and how it behaved in previous servers. I have ran the khans previously, before I had to take a leave, and it was always the faction I enjoyed playing the most as well as being a community for a lot of my friends to gather around. I obviously have a lot of loyalty to the khans and would like to see it return as a good faction for both tribal and chem dealing roleplay. Question 5.) What are the goal(s) of the Great Khans? The goals of the khans have changed a lot throughout server history and the history of the original series. In the original series, the Great Khans are recovering their strength while peddling chems and planning to work with the legion. In the server they have previously gone through different iterations or RP including raider roleplay, chem dealing, and even mercenary roleplay. However, I plan to focus on the chem dealing and tribal life style of the khans. Under my leadership the Great Khans would still be trying to increase their strength and provide safety for those in their tribe. They would be as stubborn as their official counterparts; having conflict with those who try to bring destruction to their tribe. But they would have a large focus on increasing their strength through chem sales to arm and armor their members. Question 6.) What sets the Great Khans apart from the Khans or New Khans? The Khans, New Khans, and Great Khans are different groups from separate games. The Khans came first as descendants of vault dwellers who left vault 15 (da NCR Vault). After they left the vault they eventually would form into a group of raiders. Led by the Death-hand, the Khans would antagonize Shady Sands and other settlements. Eventually, they would be defeated by the games protagonist. The New Khans came after their precursors were wiped out. They were formed by a descendent of the Death-Hand, they would hide out in a vault and would similarly raid and pillage local caravans while trying to remain unknown by NCR forces. They too would meet their end in California. The Great Khans are the last group to appear; the remnants of the New Khans would unite, and move into the Mojave under the leadership of Papa Khan, forming the Great Khans. Similar to their predecessors, the early Great Khans also performed raids on the NCR in order to obtain food and supplies. They would also be given basic education, including the information on how to make chems by the local FOA. However, after they were beaten at the Bitter Springs Massacre, they would retreat to Red Rock Canyon and focus on dealing chems while gathering their broken strength. Question 7.) Would you forgive the NCR for the Bitter Springs Massacre? I would act similarly to how the Great Khans did in the game, although less hostile. I would not forget and outright forgive their actions. But it's unlikely that acting out in a hostile way by themselves would be beneficial to the Khans. They would likely be beaten and that's not the goal of the Great Khans. So as Papa Khan I would just keep a watchful eye. Question 8.) How do you plan to maintain the traditions and values of the Great Khans while also adapting to the changing world? The world would be changing for the Great Khans in the Mojave, in this situation they'd be meeting many different factions with different ideologies and technology beyond their comprehension. I think they would hold onto their ideals as a tribal faction, since they are the Khans have always been a very stubborn group. I think they would approach all these groups with caution and see what technologies and people could be used to strengthen their people. Similarly to how their interacted with the Legion.
    6 points
  7. i think it'd be fair to say to lvl 50, but we dont need the looterbobs lvl 60+ to keep their special stats
    6 points
  8. In-Game Name: Head Assassin Cocus Lentulus (Legion HC) Brawler Ebrahim Raisi (Unity Enlisted) Sheikh Al-Booty (Fiends Blooded NCO) Steam ID and Discord ID: _nirvan STEAM_0:0:514894595 Length of Time on the Server: I've been playing actively for 1.5-2 months now. Why do you want to be a member of the Event Team? (100 word minimum): I've enjoyed my time on the server and want to give back to the community in a way and I think the event team is a better fit due to my past experience in other servers, I also like making events and find organizing and setting up scenarios extremely fun, Also due to my time zone I can do events for the EU player base. I also did a decent amount of document work when I was a game master on another server so I can help with making event documents and lore when needed. I also know the basics of pac3 and have made a few event pacs as a game master before. Previous Event Team/GM Experience: (Don't know if I can name other communities or not, So I decided not to.) GameMaster in an MRP (Military RP) server. GameMaster in an SCPRP Server was also in the event team while in the staff team on the same server. What Skills/Attributes do you bring to the table?: I know the basics of PAC, I also have a good amount of experience as a GameMaster and Staff on other servers so I would know the basics of how to run events and how the even team works. How old are you?: 18. What are your past bans on the Server (if any): No bans or warnings. Briefly describe a possible event you would like to host on the server: Autonomous Response Due to unknown reasons, a Pre-War secret government bunker has been activated sending out hordes of self-controlled humanoid drones targeting everyone, The wasteland, and its people have been forced to unite to fight off the horde while some others try to find clues and scavenge the dead robots for parts to identify a way to shut down the protocol and save the wasteland. (The event can have multiple endings and depending on how the player base deals with it, they can get different rewards, For example, if a faction decides to shut the protocol down they get a decent amount of scrap metal and steel.)(The event is good for both type of players, The people who like to PVP can fight off the drones while others can do /me's and try to solve the event.)
    5 points
  9. What do you want to be changed? Remove Super Stimpaks out of the public, GK, and House chem benches. Explanation of suggestion? Super stims are too op and easy to abuse in high drs. They also were not made to be used as much as they are, they were only supposed to be used by Enclave in CGC and found in loot boxes. How or why does this benefit the server? People complain about TTK against PA units, this is a solution. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No.
    5 points
  10. What was the staff member's name?: GhoulsEye Spud What is your in-game name?: 1st Recon Field Officer "Hoxton" Exact time this incident happened?: an hour before making this post Please describe the incident: I was pulling my daily 8 hour garry's mod shift of camping storages to get a single piece of enlisted armor and my time was interrupted by these two beforehand mentioned staff members abusing their staff privileges , somehow knowing my exact location after being in their base for 3 minutes without being spotted and then using commands to kill me because I was in /actinjured which is fully allowed as long as your body parts aren't clipping through the wall Please provide any evidence or proof of the incident: https://streamable.com/7rvhcy this clip is very short, however I have a 3 minute long clip of me grappling into legion base (that I will send to SC over discord if needed) without being seen and suddenly they know exactly where I am and they also know that its me even tho I just logged on and used armor I never wear (masked officer + 1st recon beret, I always wear ghillie) , clearly indicating use of staff spectate
    5 points
  11. What do you want to be changed? Make a definitive rule or statement somewhere in the rules with clarification in regard to being blindfolded while captured. Here's some rough examples; A) If captured and blindfolded while under fearRP you are NOT permitted to break out or B) If captured and blindfolded, you may proceed to loosen and break your restraints unless you physically SEE a weapon are placed under FearRP. Explanation of suggestion? Self explanatory, either they can or can't break out of cuffs while blindfolded. How or why does this benefit the server? it stops putting staff on the spot when someone calls over staff for situation likes this (Which happens a lot) and it can now definitively say in the rules or written somewhere that being blindfolded does or does NOT permit you to break out of your handcuffs. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion?
    3 points
  12. If you look at player statistics, literally only 12 people, at most, were online on the server at the time the report took place (including people connecting, in the menu, or on the server [9:50 EST is 3:50 CET for me, hence the time on the screenshot]). This was when the server was basically dying out and everyone was waiting for information about the wipe, so either there were no players at all or complete chaos with almost FFA mainly on FS. With all due respect, I doubt you tried to resolve the issue yourself and immediately went straight for the report, especially with the second clip where you could have simply waited to see if he had deliberately left or if it was a game crash. If we were to nitpick at every rule that people have broken on this server, EVEN MINOR MISUNDERSTANDINGS, most would probably be banned by now, ruining overall enjoyment for everyone on the server. Almost every person who has broken FearRP, ONLY ONCE or in some unusual circumstances, gets verbally warned but since the server had a really low amount of players on it, I highly doubt any staff member was on either. Back in the day, I remember some servers directly stating in their rules that below a certain amount of players, RP is disabled (while I acknowledge Divide doesn't have something like that but truth be told, there still should be some decency maintained within the player base). From my POV, the report is invalid but we have to leave it to staff to decide.
    3 points
  13. Omg let me sit in someone's base spawn for 3 hours in SB with a war club, and knock them out.... womp womp bro how about you go out side
    3 points
  14. Yup, that is me but I didn't LTARP. I crashed and I came back but nobody was around by the time I rejoined since the server was dead at those hours. I wasn't trying to avoid anything so apologies if that's how it seems but that just ain't the case and crashing the dozen or so times each day on Divide is just out of my control. I've never LTARP'd, been kidnapped, mugged, and enslaved many a times and never LTARP'd so don't get it twisted. You can ask anyone I've ever played with (even those outside of NCR that I've had plenty of encounters with), I'll complain about a situation and all but I never leave to avoid it. But since we're bringing attention to rule breaking, I guess we can speak about how ya left me restrained in NCR base for half an hour while you enslaved the other 2 PA online at the time and had to wait the entire time for their enslavement to be over for one of them to untie me. Edit: I'm certainly to blame in shooting y'all despite getting knocked, that is my fault for not really paying much attention or realizing I was stripped. It was early morning PST, I was just chilling, listening to music and working on a google doc so my attention wasn't completely focused on the game unfortunately and I didn't notice that you stripped my weapons so that definitely is on me.
    3 points
  15. What do you want to be changed? Give the marksman carbine a 100 RPM increase or implement a 3 round burst fire rate switch. Explanation of suggestion? The gun doesn't see much use within the enlisted populace of cores/customs and really undervalues the gun when it does 50 dmg max at rare at only 300 rpm. (Painfully slow for a fast target and painfully pitiful in damage for a bulky one.) Increasing the RPM to 400 RPM while allowing the gun to be semi would help make the gun useful in situations where laying lead down is needed while giving the clear disadvantages it already has - Scope gives you tunnel vision - Semi so you have to spam click anyways - Poor hip fire accuracy at medium-long range - Recoil that requires some use and skill to get it nailed down. Or if you think the RPM increase is a bit much somehow, add a faster switch for 3 round burst that still exaggerates the above but gives the option for controlled bullet spraying at medium range. How or why does this benefit the server? Makes the gun more viable and valued as a good enlist firearm rather than a gun to sell for caps. (Also GR can sell more and stuff, VG stay mad and shit I get more bags while they get old hags) Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
    3 points
  16. you can only mug 750 caps! You cannot to go to where the good items are! You cannot hide from your enemies they will be protected by the victim protection department!
    3 points
  17. Denied wait out your ban, you made 17 tickets for a single issue, then made a player report on another player without realizing the rules yourself. This is your second ban and not the second problem staff has had with you in less than a week and a half. You can reappeal in 2 weeks.
    3 points
  18. What do you want to be changed? Revert to CGC economy. Explanation of suggestion? Reverting to CGC price points, more consistent price scaling for faction and public vendors, MUCH better prices for resources like adhesive, better scaling for recyclers/money printer stuff, better looting prices, and more consistent melee vendor prices. How or why does this benefit the server? The current economy is flawed for SEVERAL reasons. 1. Inconsistent high end price points scaled between each other and also scaled with armor. In most cases, Power Armor costs 20-25% what a high end would cost and most high ends do not exceed 50k, due to the 100k tax it would be horrible for them to exceed that. 2. Server inflation is WAY to chaotic and the economy is an utter mess as is. Auctions especially show this as an issue. A gun one month would cost 200k, one month later it costs nearly 1m without a buff. It is problematic and shows how this "deflated" economy has done nothing to fix anything. It is also a much bigger gap between the rich and poor. 3. Low end items like crafting resources and low end weapons have horrendously bad price gaps. If you get a pistol frame or something like a R91 frame you'd like to craft and you buy all of the resources needed for it from the public vendors you craft it. Then going to sell it you will make less than what it cost you. In some cases the vendor gives you half of what it cost to craft the weapon. With an inflated economy this wouldn't be an issue, more money means more gaps for scaling prices. 4. Inconsistent vendor prices have plagued the community. Melee vendors and frame/bp vendors don't have enough gaps to properly reflect rarity and lootability. Melee prices also fluctuate on a very regular basis for some reason which wouldn't be an issue in a CGC economy. 5. For some odd reason, when "deflating" the economy, many things were not "deflated". Crafting resources were doubled in price, most core faction money methods got nerfed by less than 5 caps despite it supposed to being cut by 35-50%, and due to the very bad deflation balance choices, melee weapons were either cut in half or not touched at all. Why swap over? 1. Guns would have more "stock" like prices. For example, in CGC a weapon like the Caster cost 1.5 m at the beginning of 5.0. In the last month of 5.0 you would likely be able to get it at auction for a good price of 250-400k. This gap in price happened within a point of a year or so of wipe, including supply and demand. On here these kinds of auction prices would happen fluctuate on a VERY regular basis, leaving no consistency in prices. On here, the Caster went for about 500k one auction, 450k the next, then another 500k, to then a staggering 100k. With little room for the economy to grow or for people to express ways to make money, the same people get the same stuff and the more of a gap there is between the rich and poor. Same could be said with a handful of other weapons as well on here like the Gauss Rifle or Grenade Rifles being 2 other huge examples. 2. The CGC economy has lasted almost 3 years in a single wipe. It works. On here the economy has little spread or fluctuation for anything that is not a high end for both selling and buying, making everything else useless unless its a money printer. Also on Divide somehow things reach CGC levels of prices somehow despite being "deflated"?? Seems odd because its been so well baked in apparently. 3. Power Armor prices on CCG were reflected much better. On Divide, Power Armor prices are flawed, T45 and T51 have little to no difference in terms of price due to the little gap in the economy with how prices can go. The same can be said between T51 and T60 as well for some factions. 4. Big numbers. People like being rewarded with big numbers. We all have brain rot. 5. Better looting dynamics. Melee weapons are slightly more viable to sell without being too much of an issue, and frames are more worth crafting because a single sheet of steel doesn't cost 20 caps for some god forsaken reason. 6. This current economy is a failure at cutting down on people being rich. There are enough people I can count on 2 hands that have made hundreds of thousands of caps for their factions in just days of grinding. 7. Mugging will feel more rewarding and the standard cap set of 3500 will feel better but not too bad for the person being mugged either.
    2 points
  19. Steam ID 76561198854363507 Discord ID cam_102 Interview State your full birth name Cam Reed What Role are you Interested in? General Summarize your history and story. Cam Reed comes from the house of Reeds. The Reeds were a noble blood line of the midwestern chapter and has preformed great feats on the behalf of the chapter After many years of severing the chapter and providing fine officer to fight on the behalf of the house. One of the decedents of the house lost a p94, because of this. The house was sentences to provide any able body of the bloodline to preform suicidal missions to redeem the houses name once's more. After many years of members of the family deaths they were fed up. They caught word of the immortal defecting and joined him on his expedition to Washington. Once's a new form of rule was established in settle the immortal made the house of Reeds a noble houses once's more. The Reeds adapted to this change quickly owning their own plantation and slave trade. The Reeds returned the favor to chapter providing fine officers for the chapter once's again. One of them being Cam Reed who was dispatched along side Elder eyes as his General. Cam can come off cold and uncaring to those who do not work provide or support to the chapter. To those who are closes to him can find that he his common and caring person to those under his command, as long as they follow his orders without question Explain the Washington Brotherhoods ideology and mission. The Washington chapter believes in gathering technology by any means may it be enslaving whole tribe of tribals to search dangerous ruins. Washington chapter mission is to conquer more land to make the collection of tech easier unopposed What is the codex? How important is it to you? Enter explanation. (50 words minimum) The codex is the very rules we live by to keep to people who follow it in line and list our important history of how this chapter was made. To thoses who dont are mere savages who have yet to see their way of life is wrong and must be forced to follow it may it be enslaver if needed Do you promise to follow the codex now until the end, or face punishment as a traitor? Yes
    2 points
  20. Steam ID 12345678 Discord ID Skinwalkr Interview State your full birth name Francisco "Pancho" Villa What Role are you Interested in? Brimstone/Knights Summarize your history and story. Left the MEF alongside the Elder Immortal. Fought, enslaved and recruited consistently as well as trained slaves, turning them into soldiers. "Pancho" Remains loyal and ruthless attempting to mirror the Immortal Elder in his twisted ways. Was once a General in the Washington Brotherhoods military branch in Seattle, but now remains the Marshal in order to focus on more equipped and elite soldiers to set a proper full example of what being in this WBoS should be. Explain the Washington Brotherhoods ideology and mission. Slave and Take what's ours. Preserve and obtain technology, to both keep the in our grasp, and hold the wasteland to a safer degree. What is the codex? How important is it to you? A document that states our faction ideals. it is the very life blood of WBoS Do you promise to follow the codex now until the end, or face punishment as a traitor? Yes
    2 points
  21. Steam ID STEAM_0:1:624986053 Discord ID goodsoupguy Interview State your full birth name Danny "Sackius" Miller What Role are you Interested in? Knights Summarize your history and story. Danny was raised to believe the Washington Brotherhoods goals and morals. He watched every training he could and would read the codex every day to memorize it. He would talk to the soldiers to learn as much as he could so he would make the perfect soldier. When he was told he was being sent to the Mojave He was excited to fight for the Brotherhood Explain the Washington Brotherhoods ideology and mission. The Ideology and mission of the Brotherhood is to preserve Tech. to make the wasteland safer and better place for the future. And get rid of anyone in the way of our mission. While recruiting anybody who believes in our goals and morals. What is the codex? How important is it to you? The codex is what gives us purpose why we are here. it contains knowledge that has been passed down for generations. it gives us our goals and mission. It means to me as the reason why the faction it gives us a reason to do the things we do. Do you promise to follow the codex now until the end, or face punishment as a traitor? Yes
    2 points
  22. *The Mojave branch of the Van Graffs returns to Reno with all but 6 associates who stay in the Mojave to man the Silver Rush under family orders. A paper with a detailed report is given to the Matriarch in her office by former Mojave branch management with insight into the progress made.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Van Graff Accounting Sales Report Store Location: Mojave Total Sales: 17,512,500 (Without tax, including auctions) Total Transactions: 1,227 Total Weapons Transactions: 721 Total Weapons/Utilities Bought: 444 Total Chems Transactions: 62 Average Transactions Per Month: 204 Signed Off By: 𝒯𝑜𝓃𝒾𝑜 𝒱𝒶𝓃 𝒢𝓇𝒶𝒻𝒻 𝔍𝔬𝔥𝔫𝔫𝔶 𝔙𝔞𝔫 𝔊𝔯𝔞𝔣𝔣 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tonio and the staying associates from his former branch prep to begin their spread northward to their new home.*
    2 points
  23. In-Game Name: Daniel Terrance, Marshal of the Desert Rangers Steam ID and Discord ID: STEAM_0:1:460411068 | toaster._ Length of Time on the Server: since divides launch Why do you want to be a staff member?(100 word minimum): I want to help the server as a staff member since I care about the server and want it to prosper. I personally believe I am an unbias person and can provide fair rulings during staff tickets and won't take tickets made by my friends just to help them win the case. Secondly I'm aware of most the rules since I've been playing for a fairly long time and have become familiar with them, additionally I am willing to learn the rules I don't already know. And lastly I can take tickets when needed as there has been several times where myself or some friends are on and there is no staff taking tickets despite several staff being on the server and I can easily fix that issue. Previous Staff Experience: Senior Admin on synergy clone wars rp What Skills/Attributes do you bring to the table?: I have common sense and I'm not bias How old are you?: 17 What are your past bans on the Server (if any): 40 day exploiting ban at the end of 1.0 (found a john doe vendor under the map at 3am that had 1st recon berets in it for 0 caps, bought like 80 of them and spammed BM with them and dropped them around the map) List as many rules as possible from the rule page without looking: rdm, ltap, fear rp, cap transfer, hate speech, pet flag abuse, metagame, power game, erp, fail rp, war reason bait, defection rules
    2 points
  24. Then maybe you should go play Terraria if you find that so fun, but MOST people on this server do not find it fun to press E on virtual plants
    2 points
  25. +1 it's so fucking boring at this point to pick plants and press E on boxes when all i wanna do is get back to what i was doing before i'm not even a proponent of the wipe itself, i feel like it's a fat neckbeard flipping the board game table when things don't go his way. who wants to come home after work or college to make some naked lvl1 dude, re-level him, re-perk him, re-grind gear, that just makes me tired and bored af when i could be playing something else. just cuz some people have no problem with playing the mod until their eyes dry and fall out, doesn't mean we all have to this is a pretty tame suggestion imo, it's nothing server destroying, just ppl keeping their level so they have one less worry.
    2 points
  26. In-Game Name: Shock Cadet SPC Johan Blackthorne (NCR), PV2 Craig Boone (NCR) [Approved by: Major Mikvik], Dummy #414 Lefwey Wefway (ThinkTank), Salvatore Bonpensero (Supermutant Waster) Steam ID and Discord ID: STEAM_0:0:105102751, big_boss_97 Length of Time on the Server: 105:58 hr Why do you want to be a staff member? (100 word minimum): I’ve spent most of my time in Garry's mod building and protecting communities, and that's exactly what I aim to do here. Joining the divide Roleplay staff team isn’t just about managing a server. It's about creating a place where everyone can thrive and immerse themselves in a world they love. My experience in server management has taught me how to resolve conflicts, build a strong community, and ensure fairness for all players. I understand the importance of maintaining high standards and a sense of order. I’m committed to bringing those qualities to this role, ensuring our players have the best possible experience in the fallout RP sphere. Previous Staff Experience: Intel Dark RP: Junior Mod, 2014 (snake) Prestige Police RP: Admin, 2015 (John Black) Venomous Gaming: Owner, 2015 - 2020 (M a x) Diverge Mafia RP: Admin, 2022 (Sal) What Skills/Attributes do you bring to the table?: Well, I bring a lifetime of experience in leadership and conflict resolution IRL and in Garry’s Mod. I've built communities from the ground up and kept them running smoothly, no matter the challenges. I understand the importance of fairness and order, and I know how to ensure both. My communication skills are strong, enabling me to connect with players and staff effectively. I'm highly organized, making sure everything runs like a well-oiled machine. Above all, my dedication to this role and passion for the community drives me to strive for excellence every single day. I'm here to build something lasting and worthwhile. How old are you?: 26 What are your past bans on the Server (if any): None. List as many rules as possible from the rule page without looking: - RDM - NLR - Combat bait - Hacking (ESP, AIM BOT) - Racism - Exploiting - Fail RP - Failure to follow FearRP - LTAP - Metagaming - Mercy killing - Prop abuse - Chain mugging - Player Targeting - ERP - Pedophilia - PAC abuse
    2 points
  27. - Provide us with as much information as possible. - The summarized description should tell us the issue at a glance, and the detailed description should provide us with details needed to reproduce the error to test. Format: In-Game name: CAT LON Date & Time of bug/error: BRO EVERY DAY Description of bug: Couldn't find/load font 'fontello', falling back to 'Tahoma'.. (x3) Error! Flag "$model" is multiply defined in material "models/fallout/dungeons/vault/vquad02"! KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got NULL key in file materials/models/fallout/dungeons/vault/controlpanelvault01.vmt VertexLitGeneric, material models/fallout/architecture/strip/nv_thetops-extdoor02 has a normal map and an envmapmask. Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got NULL key in file materials/models/mccarran/terminal/screenon_anim_off.vmt VertexlitGeneric, Error! Variable "$envmap" is multiply defined in material "models/mccarran/terminal/screenon_anim_off"! Error! Variable "$envmaptint" is multiply defined in material "models/mccarran/terminal/screenon_anim_off"! Error! Variable "$envmap" is multiply defined in material "models/mccarran/terminal/screenon_anim"! Error! Variable "$envmaptint" is multiply defined in material "models/mccarran/terminal/screenon_anim"! KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got NULL key in file materials/models/mccarran/terminal/terminalscreen01.vmt VertexlitGeneric, Error! Variable "$envmap" is multiply defined in material "models/mccarran/terminal/terminalscreen01"! Error! Variable "$envmaptint" is multiply defined in material "models/mccarran/terminal/terminalscreen01"! Error: Material "models/mccarran/terminal/terminaltext01" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize! Error! Flag "$alphatest" is multiply defined in material "models/fallout/architecture/thefort/nv_crucifix-rope"! Error: Material "models/fallout3/enclave/glasstile01" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize! material models/yates/glassesblackrimmed has a normal map and an envmapmask. Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/plasma weaponry/plasmapistol"! Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/plasma weaponry/plasmapistol_clip"! Error: Material "models/enclave/particlefield01_tube_middle" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize! KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got NULL key in file materials/models/enclave/enclavepod01.vmt VertexlitGeneric, Error: Material "models/enclave/particlefield02_up" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize! Error: Material "models/enclave/particlefield02_down" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize! Error: Material "models/enclave/particlefield02_circles" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize! Error: Material "models/enclave/particlefield01_tube" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize! Error: Material "models/enclave/particlefield02_dividers" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize! Error: Material "models/enclave/particlefield02_circles_lines" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize! ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL Error! Flag "$model" is multiply defined in material "models/fallout/dungeons/vault/vquad02_light"! Error! Flag "$model" is multiply defined in material "models/fallout/dungeons/vault/vaulttransformer01"! material models/fallout_nv/architecture/wasteland/wastelandext02 has a normal map and an envmapmask. Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask. Error! Variable "$phong" is multiply defined in material "models/fallout_nv/architecture/urban/sidewalkquad01"! Error! Variable "$phongexponent" is multiply defined in material "models/fallout_nv/architecture/urban/sidewalkquad01"! KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got NULL key in file materials/models/mccarran/legion/nv_bedrollcaesar.vmt VertexlitGeneric, KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got NULL key in file materials/models/mccarran/legion/nv_legionflag.vmt VertexlitGeneric, Warning in .VMT file (models/mccarran/sharecropper/ghbeams): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaptint". Did you forget to surround the vector with "s? Warning in .VMT file (models/mccarran/sharecropper/ghmetal): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaptint". Did you forget to surround the vector with "s? Warning in .VMT file (models/mccarran/sharecropper/metalbusframe01): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaptint". Did you forget to surround the vector with "s? Error! Flag "$model" is multiply defined in material "models/fallout/clutter/consoles/console02"! Error: Material "telekinesis/telekinesis_model" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" unable to initialize! Disconnect: Mizuno timed out. Disconnected: Disconnect: Mizuno timed out. Restoring gamemode to sandbox Client sending to server with no netchannel! (x2) ChatGPT ChatGPT The errors you're seeing are related to problems with loading and defining materials in Source Engine-based games like Fallout and possibly others. Here's a breakdown of the issues and possible solutions: "Couldn't find/load font 'fontello', falling back to 'Tahoma'.. (x3)" This message suggests that the game engine is unable to find the specified font ('fontello'). Ensure that the font file ('fontello.ttf' or similar) is correctly placed in the game's fonts directory, or check if the font reference is correct in the game's configuration files. "Error! Flag "$model" is multiply defined..." This error indicates that there are conflicting definitions for the flag "$model" in the specified materials. It often happens when the same property is defined multiple times in a material file. To fix this, open the affected material files (ending with .vmt) and ensure that each property (like "$model") is defined only once and correctly. "KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got NULL key..." This error typically occurs when there's a syntax error or missing key in a material file (.vmt). Check the affected .vmt files and ensure that all key-value pairs are correctly formatted without any missing keys. "Error! Variable "$envmap" is multiply defined..." Similar to "$model" errors, this indicates multiple definitions of the same variable in a material file. Review and correct the affected .vmt files to resolve these conflicts. "ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL" This DirectX error suggests a problem with creating or loading textures through DirectX. Ensure that your DirectX drivers are up to date, and consider verifying or reinstalling DirectX. "Warning in .VMT file: no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaptint"." These warnings indicate syntax issues in the material files. Check the .vmt files mentioned and ensure that vector keys (like "$envmaptint") are properly enclosed in quotes ("{ }") where necessary. "Disconnect: Mizuno timed out." These messages indicate disconnection issues, possibly due to network problems or timeouts. Ensure your network connection is stable. How do you perform/trigger this bug: TEAM VIEWERING AND DISCORD VIEWING HIS GAME AFTER 56 RETRYS TO THE SERVER . I FLUSHED HIS DNS I FIXED HIS ADDON FACTORY REST FORCE UPDATED WINDOWS 10 FIXED ALL LATANCY KNOW ISSUES WITH GARRYS MOD MSG'ED BY A GAMER TO FIX HIS GARRYS MOD. after Wireshark and investigating EVERY possible angle you devs have serval issues that are EASY SIN TEXT FONT ERRORS FIX YOUR MODELS AND SIN TEXT FONTS THEY ARE INCORRECT AND CAUSE PLAYERS TOO TIME OUT I'VE DE BUGGED 17 GAMERS GAMES LOOK AT YOUR VMT FILES I'VE SUBMITED .vmt files are wrong [4:31 AM] sin text of there vmt files are wrongs Error console stack: Supporting screenshots/videos: WHY message (2).txt message (1).txt message.txt
    2 points
  28. Character name? Isaiah Wolf What perk are you applying for? Teacher Perk (Custom; +5 to Teaching Perks) Summarize how you obtained this perk? (50 word minimum) Given his adequate amount of knowledge spending time in the Followers' library as well as having accumulated knowledge from his past in the New California Republic, Isaiah Wolf decides to expand his ventures further, becoming a general education teacher to help educate and reform wastelanders whenever needed. Although it starts first with teaching medical knowledge, Wolf realizes that once he can obtain a doctorate, he can also focus more on more generalized knowledge to help rebuild the wasteland. Provide any evidence you have to support your summary? #1 - Doctorate Training a Newcomer: https://imgur.com/a/fallout-divide-teacher-1-doctor-perk-teaching-ncr-QRvcDNc #2 - Medical Hands-On Training/Transplant: https://imgur.com/a/fallout-divide-teacher-2-surgical-transplant-training-ncr-NZon9wX #3 - FOA Medical Seminar and Hands-On Training: https://imgur.com/a/fallout-divide-teacher-3-foa-medical-seminar-foa-ncr-iIx02ZL
    2 points
  29. Torr you died even if this got accepted Legion had a PK on you, and back in 1.0 I killed Jarvis doing the same thing
    2 points
  30. QUESTION 1. Rank / Last Name / First Name / of NCR Official submitting Application Colonel Wyatt Stetson QUESTION 2. Last Name / First Name / Faction Affiliation (if any) of in-mate Eagle Centurion Adonis QUESTION 3. Reason of admission into NCRCF? § 1-3A Grievous Bodily Harm § 1-9A Kidnapping/Slavery § 1-4A Terrorism QUESTION 4. Duration of Sentence? (1 Day - 7 Days) Life imprisonment (PK) QUESTION 5. Do you understand that a NCR Vertibird will need be used / sacrificed for transportation of the individual to NCR-CF? Yes QUESTION 6. Do you understand that unethical or improper use of NCRCF admissions could potentially result in a dishonorable discharge or result in the NCRCF perusing charges of corruption on yourself? Yes
    2 points
  31. Who banned you?: Shadow What is your in-game name and Steam name?: In game name: Tontoeshotinback. Discord: tontoeshotinback What was your ban message and how long were you banned? (Screenshot of the ban message when you attempt to join) What were you banned for?: I used a car to run war demands over. (WHEN IT WAS OVER) What is your Steam ID and Discord ID: tontoeshotinback, STEAM_0:1:123247530 Please provide any evidence you have regarding the incident that led up to your ban: What evidence? I got in a car and drove it into people when the war demands was over. I understand it shouldn't have done that but the intrusive thoughts won. Why should you be un-banned?: This is my first offence on the server (From what I remember). I regret what I did and don't plan on doing it again, I understand running people over right when war demands ended was not a good idea. May the sky gods have mercy on my soul.
    2 points
  32. ive suggested this 10000 times and SC just don't do it lol
    2 points
  33. If you need to wipe every 3 months you're a Rust server not an RPGMMO. The economy is fucked, if you don't fix it before wiping it will keep repeating.
    2 points
  34. ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Do not wipe levels as part of the wipe. Explanation of suggestion? Levels should not be included in the wipe [IF WE DO WIPE.] Nobody (with a working and healthy cerebrum) will happily look at their veteran high-level character going back to lvl 1. All gear, items, everything, can be wiped, hell, even a map change, but DO NOT TOUCH LEVELS. How or why does this benefit the server? It's mainly a quality of life suggestion. I know the issues are plentiful, ranging from spawned in gear to the map not being liked by many, but nobody has complained about player levels harming the experience in any way (as far as I know.) The levels being untouched will lighten the blow of a wipe, aswell as make it less tedious to get things back on track in terms of gear and day to day activities of factions. Faction Leaders and Officers should worry solely about faction-related things after a wipe, not pressing E on plants for hours on end. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No. ========================================================
    1 point
  35. Honestly. Looking at the clip and the reply from the guy who left, This really does just seem like a mistake which do happen. That besides the fact if you look in the clip the server is dead, No one is on the server whatsoever. Besides himself and WBOS. Plus if you check the times that they both stated, It's 5 AM Est for the guy who posted this, The server is basically on downtime, In my opinion this just isn't that serious considering he got back on. -1 It's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, Especially not at 5 in the morning.
    1 point
  36. if youre level 56 youre part of the reason theres going to be a wipe.
    1 point
  37. i never got server wipes in general. every single time i've seen a server wipe it was because the devs fucked up big time or something that is incredibly broken got introduced into the meta. Like Sticky said, a wipe in my mind was always the last solution , a virtual nuke to throw on top of a server when things no longer work. And i don't mean just gmod. i've been in fivem servers, redm servers, dayz servers, WoW servers, even MORDHAU RP!! And every single time, wipe was spoken about as if it was the devil, as if it was this cataclysmic event that ruins everything, devs put on black mantles of mourning when they had to announce a wipe. widows cried, sons and daughters hid in the attic, chaos ensued. Imagine my surprise when i come to CGC (formerly) and now Divide, and find out wipes are a common thing, about as common as taking a piss in the morning, they just kinda happen. Crazy. To me, it's always been apocalyptic, and always resulted in arguments, fights, drama, loss of progress, loss of playerbase ,etc. tl;dr i can't stand wipes, they've always been a destructive measure.
    1 point
  38. I needa become friends with SC frfr
    1 point
  39. SC spawned in weapons/items/armors for certain people Here is the list Spawned in legendary p gat Spawned in Spectral wood Spawned in Superior modded mini Spawned in Gryo Spawned in avenger x3 Spawned in Crosshook x2 Spawned in mes x1 Spawned in Browning Spawned in gauss gat for “comp/ fl weapon as a custom????” Spawned in Vindi x2 Spawned in core fl weapon x4 Spawned in deagle for “CC fl weapon” Spawned in Legendary Gobi Spawned in Warclub( for Rangers) Spawned in red death armor (because "ncr rangers needed some love") Spawned in red glare spawned in fl set x2 for outcast Spawned in atr Spawned in medicine stick Spawned in Superior sr25 x2 Spawned in Legendary M24 Spawned in TC for bos for a "comp" Spawned in bellum banner AND browning for legion for "comp" Spawned in Gauss rifle Spawned in sb x5 Spawned in legendary armor for cupper (???) and legendary laser gun idk what it is +sb Spawned in legendary TC for cupper (was deleted after a shepherd nerf post) Spawned in flamers for hellcats x3 Spawned in Boomstick for waster group Spawned in Legendary lib Zetan branded for TT Spawned in Legendary Flamer pistol for a gecko??? Spawned in Light in shining darkness Spawned in Pancor Spawned in Hotrod
    1 point
  40. What do you want to be changed? Buff the cattle prod attack speed and charge up Explanation of suggestion? make it swing like the ripper How or why does this benefit the server? why not its greatness Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? fart
    1 point
  41. I believe the issue is you bought faction exclusive equipment right as you were discharged which is a no-no. You can’t claim it as compensation for your participation in the faction. What you did was shitty end of story.
    1 point
  42. the only people who want this are in it for the extra insurance when their victims lose shit
    1 point
  43. Paused/On-hold By request of the faction.
    1 point
  44. -1 Torr it is still a faction Item no matter what you do if they say that legion can reclaim it they can also PK you for it. Im sorry.
    1 point
  45. i didnt realize we were headpopping instead of doing staff sits these days
    1 point
  46. dead server bc staff and boring gameplay loop
    1 point
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