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Torr Event staff app


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In-Game Name: Baja Ranger Alexander Price, Joey Hooligang, Marked Lieutenant "Chicago",  Defender Jack Welles, Talon CO. Soldier Alejandro Pendejo

Steam ID and Discord ID:STEAM_0:0:564789528 .torr._

Length of Time on the Server: CGC start of 5.0 to now so a little bit over 2 years

Why do you want to be a member of the Event Team? (100 word minimum):I am one of the few people on divide that actually like doing RP and try to make it engaging for others which is why I think it makes sense for me to be event staff simply to do events people find engaging, aesthetically interesting, and enjoyable so people don't walk off from the event saying "L event no rewards" 

Previous Event Team/GM Experience: D&D DM for my irl friends 

What Skills/Attributes do you bring to the table?: A long history of roleplay experience, set making, story writing, and what I think is most important the will to let the players dictate how events unfold (if they want to try and do something I dont just say "No because um no") 

How old are you?: 15

What are your past bans on the Server (if any): 15 mins from payne for pking someone falsely but I dont think that really counts.

Briefly describe a possible event you would like to host on the server: A small group of NCR Rangers start hearing sounds from their radio noticing that its a frequency they haven't seen before. After tracing the frequency to locate who might be relaying this faint signal they find a small Ranger tower with a man well into his 60's talking into a radio. After speaking to him they would find out that he was attempting to call his fellow Rangers to help him clear out a small band of raiders in the area terrorizing the local town.


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On 5/12/2024 at 10:03 PM, Eopsin said:

bro has been saying he is 16-17 for many moons now


turns out he started running garry fallout at like 9 years of age


anyways this guy is kinda noobish and I think he should perhaps work on the brain levels before making events, I for one do NOT want to see the vile concoction torr thinks up for an event rn, no thanks!

the liar

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On 5/12/2024 at 9:29 PM, Omgrajaa said:

you want this guy to be event team?

Um hello, I guess you're referring to me. As much as I would simply would like to just Accept this, imo Torr is a wildcard. Imma wait until the next staff meeting to consult with Staff Council and get back to that.

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On 5/13/2024 at 4:05 PM, ThunderWolf said:

Um hello, I guess you're referring to me. As much as I would simply would like to just Accept this, imo Torr is a wildcard. Imma wait until the next staff meeting to consult with Staff Council and get back to that.

You were not mentioned once hush up respectfully 

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