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What was the player's name?:


What is your in-game name?:

Knight Dank Um

Please describe the incident:

Ape started swingin at me and took me to mug me, tried to get me to take my armor off, id already called over comms at this point before FRP and he started crying metagame then just kept NLRing and shit

Please provide any evidence or proof of the incident:





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your clips show me spawning in my base and fighting people actively shooting me in my base which is not breaking NLR.
And uhh im not going to lie with the shit you were saying to me I think you should be banned

here is multiple clips of you calling me a pedophile and a kid fucker....

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After what I saw from Torr, this is what I have to say...


On 11/18/2023 at 11:48 PM, Dankum said:
On 11/19/2023 at 3:22 AM, Torr said:

What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Like seriously! You say he's committing NLR even though your friend is trying to rescue within Fiend spawn in Dankum's perspective... While in Torr's perspective, you meta-gamed while you were handcuffed and being dragged into Fiend spawn.


On 11/19/2023 at 3:22 AM, Torr said:

And in this clip above, what the actual fuck? 

Honestly... -1 This is clearly a malicious report.  

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On 11/18/2023 at 10:48 PM, Dankum said:

What was the player's name?:


What is your in-game name?:

Knight Dank Um

Please describe the incident:

Ape started swingin at me and took me to mug me, tried to get me to take my armor off, id already called over comms at this point before FRP and he started crying metagame then just kept NLRing and shit

Please provide any evidence or proof of the incident:






What the fuck is wrong with you...

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Couple issues from both players, so beyond the usual 'L bozo' and 'Chill bro' comments I'll summarize it:

From Knight Dank Um

-Toxic behaviour, in regards to the 'little boys and girls' comments. We mentioned in the recent FL meeting that we'd be cracking down on that.
-Blatant usage of faction radio while cuffed. Doesn't matter if you had used it beforehand, that doesn't mean you're permitted to continue relaying the information while cuffed.

From Torr

-The NLR. Pretty blatant, but they're in your base which nullifies the issue since you are allowed to break NLR within your base. Small issue with that though, which ties into the next rule
-"It is not permissible to bring kidnapped players into your spawn area or through your spawn area to reach the victim."
I understand that a lot of people forget this rule exists, but in the case of a base like fiends, you would not be permitted to bring kidnapped people into your cabin.

This is to prevent this exact scenario from occurring, where a player respawns and instantly begins to try and prevent the rescue. All in all, I'd honestly say both players should be punished. Dankum for Toxicity and meta-gaming, and Torr for (Sort of) NLR and FailRP. But hey, that's just my opinion when both players act like idiots.

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Also forgot to mention, Torr did seemingly attempt to demand that Dankum drop his armour. While technically speaking that would be against the rules, as demanding someone to drop an item that cannot be taken with zipties is FailRP, the context of the situation suggests it was more of a joke than anything. Not that that excuses it, just that it wouldn't really warrant punishment.

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On 11/22/2023 at 3:11 PM, Drakos said:

Also forgot to mention, Torr did seemingly attempt to demand that Dankum drop his armour. While technically speaking that would be against the rules, as demanding someone to drop an item that cannot be taken with zipties is FailRP, the context of the situation suggests it was more of a joke than anything. Not that that excuses it, just that it wouldn't really warrant punishment.

Plug I said take off your helmet and look at me lol

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