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About Macklemore

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Macklemore last won the day on October 22

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  1. ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Give every faction back born ins. Explanation of suggestion? 1. The current player pop of the server does not benefit from spywork at all, IF ANY FACTION HAD A SPY DEFECT WITH GEAR IT WOULD PROBABLY FACTION KILL THE REMAINING FEW MEMBERS IT HAS LEFT. 2. With the server needing "New Players" to take over the spots of oldies who've stopped playing, one of the bigger turn aways from giving new players a chance is having to worry about them fucking you over. Bringing back born ins to everyone would just result in each faction being more willing to giving a newer player a shot without having to worry about their faction suffering because they want to see the server grow. 3. This change was done when the server was super boring and stagnating because no one was doing anything, and well now is not the time that SC should want spies to be more common. How or why does this benefit the server? TLDR: NEW PLAYERS GIVEN A CHANCE, LESS CHANCES OF A SPY COMPLETELY FACTION KILLING SOMEONE, SPIES DO NOT BENEFIT THE SERVERS HEALTH RIGHT NOW. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? none ========================================================
  2. only if i can use the same perk to do a charisma check on whether or not you unequip all your armor and and weapons for me.
  3. well tbh I didnt know if it was true of yall working with BOS or not.
  4. its the job of the FL's to make sure that shit doesn't get stale and boring, thats why unity found an excuse to start fighting NCR and go help Legion get back on their feet.
  5. less SC intervention is what this shithole needs
  6. +1 Maybe we forgot but the server didnt peak over 45 people today, wallahi banning an FL is not the way to get that number higher.
  7. You mean when the guy was saying that he'd do it except for the fact that he was worried about getting banned and he thought it was funny.
  8. Who banned you?: Haroxan What is your in-game name and Steam name?: Colonel Clown Cock Sock and 1st Recon Clown CO Cum Lock | Macklemore | Farb What was your ban message and how long were you banned? (Screenshot of the ban message when you attempt to join) (was 30) 12 days What were you banned for?:(What did you do?) Both me and feb had kidnapped a Hellcat, brought him to the broadcast station and attempted to have him say something along the lines of "Stroking my Hellpussy" on the broadcast station. What is your Steam ID and Discord ID: STEAM_0:1:188898247 | macklemore5035 and STEAM_0:0:231138111 |can2834 Please provide any evidence you have regarding the incident that led up to your ban: None, didn't imagine we'd need any. Why should you be un-banned?: I would like to preface the person we had done this with SHOWED 0 ISSUE WITH IT and continued to laugh along with us on it but didn't wanna do it because he thought he'd get banned for it. And in the end, never broadcasted it. We mugged him and went about our day, we were then later banned after a few car rides listening to "Many Men." I'm still not 100% sure WHAT we were banned for, but we were just being retarded fiends and trying to get a hellcat to broadcast dumbshit including "Hellpussy" that i've done in the past and had 0 issue with previously and only now became an issue. What we were doing was not intended for anything malicious, was just a silly fiend moment and I was the main person to do anything in this scenario. Feb was just kinda there to hold guns up on him, but if the guy we had kidnapped had an issue with it or anything then we would've stopped.
  9. He took a total of 0 screenshots of bricking up a well, you unironically got tricked by a Drunk British Fiend
  10. "This guy f1'ed back after I killed him mid RP to see if he would respawn in Desert Ranger base." He wouldn't have had to f1 back if you didn't FailRP shoot him mid convo under the guise of "Testing out my Plasma Gauss against 30 DR" and you said it yourself afterwards, the only reason you did this was his fiend gas mask was bugged on and dubik was sus so they told you to shoot him. #likeabos AND IF REALLY NEEDED I CAN SHOW SC A SCREENSHOT OF THE PRE-APPROVED PK USING SCREENSHOTS WE HAD BEFORE YOU EVER SHOT HIM.
  11. Its more of the majority of people aren't gonna go farm oil and then refine it just to start crafting something that takes 30 minutes and if they die while its crafting they lose it.
  12. You don't think threatening to kill someone would warrant you to kill them?
  13. Why would they do that when they make 200$+ per nexus model. If they're not researchable people will just buy Highends to have an OP vendor instead.
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