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The_real18715's ban appeal


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Who banned you?:payne

What is your in-game name and Steam name?:Lobotomutant dummy Pizza Roll | The_Real18715

What was your ban message and how long were you banned? Oxud8PLYVe47Qc7PFNRsnhBSMzv6kGaPzJFUxpNsQUhA3q-UctbooRooqhLr-hw3gPiqBoiledTyx8W9VJtaa8n4U4FWpYVKBmErsIrEMxwrBOIyeMFaQyr-fCqgOqraAtjFSMeVgBuJEi08yBsG8Xo

What were you banned for?:i lied to staff and transferring a weapon

What is your Steam ID and Discord ID:STEAM_0:0:757787371 | the_real2443

Please provide any evidence you have regarding the incident that led up to your ban:i have no evidence 

Why should you be un-banned?:I don't expect to be unbanned I simply am requesting a reduction from it being a perm. I am fully aware that I did not help myself or staff by lying I made a fool of myself and wasted others time and I am sorry. I got scared when I was questioned about the transfer and I lied to try and save my own skin and I have no excuse for my mistakes only ask for a second chance I broke no rules prior to this and made a lot of friends from this community I would like a second chance to right my wrongs and while I have the chance say sorry to Think Tank for breaking the rules and even there trust they were really nice to me and even let me use guns that I never used before and I was selfish and wanted to use them on another character. But even more important I want to say sorry to my friend he really enjoyed Think Tank and put a lot of hours to them to help out and simply role play and I roped him into my lie to save my own skin and that was completely wrong and I was hurt when I saw how sad and upset he was when he found out he almost got banned because of my stupid and selfish lie and I wish I could do more but what I can do and say sorry and NEVER make that mistake ever again. I hope everyone involved can find it in there hearts to accept this apology and even though some may not believe me find it in there hearts to forgive me

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You wasted two hours of my time trying to fix a problem YOU CAUSED, on top of me questioning you for 45 minutes with another staff council member, Garrus (unsure how long he was talking to you before I joined the channel) about the entire situation, where you attempted to have a TOTALLY DIFFERENT PLAYER in the same faction blamed for YOUR actions. Whom still got PKed + kicked out of the faction due to the amount of drama you caused. You lied about everything in the talk as well.

It's not like you lied about a small detail in the story, you lied on every single bit of information. From where the Gatling Laser went, how it happened, why it happened, who was involved in the situation, and who the blame should have been put on. You ruined an experience in a faction not just for yourself, but the other player who was playing in the faction to save your OWN skin. You were banned on 5/11/24, you can wait a lot longer.

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On 5/15/2024 at 5:33 PM, Payne said:

You wasted two hours of my time trying to fix a problem YOU CAUSED, on top of me questioning you for 45 minutes with another staff council member, Garrus (unsure how long he was talking to you before I joined the channel) about the entire situation, where you attempted to have a TOTALLY DIFFERENT PLAYER in the same faction blamed for YOUR actions. Whom still got PKed + kicked out of the faction due to the amount of drama you caused. You lied about everything in the talk as well.

It's not like you lied about a small detail in the story, you lied on every single bit of information. From where the Gatling Laser went, how it happened, why it happened, who was involved in the situation, and who the blame should have been put on. You ruined an experience in a faction not just for yourself, but the other player who was playing in the faction to save your OWN skin. You were banned on 5/11/24, you can wait a lot longer.

Thank you Payne for understanding even my point of view and respecting my feelings on the matter but I'd like to come out and say one thing that I think is important that everyone should know. 
He is a kid and kids do stupid things and when confronted kids lie even if that punishment is light they get scared easily and would rather point fingers and run rather than deal with the punishment and I HATE the fact that I almost took a hit for something I did NOT do BUT I think regardless of the situation and how far it went its a video game and a community based game where even though we are angry we should understand that people have done worse to others on the server and been allowed to return give him a vacation and allow him to return at a later date. +1


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