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About Toni0

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  • Rank: Well-Known

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  • Been With Us For: 167 Days

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  1. The trade offs are more than enough, and it incentivizes people to organize their money properly and puts more risk to giving people officer roles. Making the tax 25% or more makes it pointless.
  2. What do you want to be changed? Add "faction banks" as a thing into the server Explanation of suggestion? Add a way for factions to bring their money together into a faction storage or entity that keeps their money together with a 5%-10% tax instead of the increased one. This storage can be used by whoever has access to the storage and should be able to be stolen from by defectors/spies. How or why does this benefit the server? Allows factions to group fund more but also has consequences for not organizing funds well and having money stolen by malicious parties. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No.
  3. Sonic Emitter, Gauss Gat, Holorifle, TRCW, and Deagle gonna be going places soon...
  4. What do you want to be changed? Do 1 of 2 things 1. Do not let any custom order weapons leave a faction for an "owner" to use. All previous custom order guns given to "owners" should be deleted other than the ones that were given due to making a gun more public (M60). But further down the line, they should NEVER be handed to the owners after change is done. or 2. Do not let custom order high ends go to their "owners" unless the weapon goes public in some form or fashion (NOT lootboxes nearly all custom orders are already in the loot pool). This is the option for them to not only keep their weapon but also do whatever they want with it and also helps the community because there are more public cool guns for people to use. Explanation of suggestion? Currently there is 0 precedent or standard for custom order weapons. Some people bought them from the host faction's vendor, some got theirs spawned in, some have even been able to give their weapons to others for some odd reason despite it belonging to them. There is poorly done organization and it all doesn't help the community entirely. If it is regulated to only high ends cannot be given or sold to the owner, then the change to that specifically is useless, 95% of these weapons are high ends and council can just change their minds at any time with poorly done rulings. If it becomes that an "op" gun can not be given out its the same story. I also wanna add that if you continue to let the faction owner or FL or both decide on whether or not its handed out it does nothing too! How or why does this benefit the server? Makes the server less pay to win. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? no. (Weapon "owners" after not being able to use their sexual assault cannon their spent 500 dollars on)
  5. Denied Need book logs for rp.
  6. Toni0

    nerf tesla rcw

    Neutral. It'll be looked at for next update. Tickrate seems to have made it shred.
  7. We do not endorse racism or slurs ON THE SERVER. Never have, never will. Depending on the staff member it can be as lenient as a kick or as high as a perma. (mostly a perma if you're repeat offender.) All things that happen in discord are done mostly behind closed doors. If you have any issues I recommend talking to the HC to tell them you feel uncomfortable but we have been talking specifically to core HC to relax with repetitive butthurt stuff in VC that can cause this 'issue'. Banning people for saying stuff in discord is specifically is not bannable because - 1. People have witch hunted others for slipping up in discord for "breaking" it as a rule whenever its enforced. 2. People are apes. Its Gmod. 3. If people get offended they can either express your criticisms or mute people. 4. Slip ups happen, we are all human. Live Laugh Love.
  8. Approved. Cool ideas, we will see any additions.
  9. Toni0

    Update the Rules

    Denied. Face the consequences.
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