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Divide Staff
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About Unity

  • User Group: Divide Staff

  • Rank: Regular

  • Content Post Ratio: 0.30

  • Reputation: 72

  • Been With Us For: 346 Days

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Unity last won the day on April 4

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  1. Well done, you added another faction that helped the Dogpile of WBOS, wow shaken the climate you have, divide will never be the same again.
  2. So you made the BOS adopt your codex.... So what's the point in having the outcasts around literally whats the point you've done your main goal no? All im saying is in Fallout that would mean the outcasts would of remerged with the BOS so.... Kinda shit RP cant lie
  3. Tbf every single outcast faction did have BOS as a Permanent enemy due to RP standards, this is legit the first outcast custom faction to be "friendly" towards BOS
  4. Outcasts should not be a Custom faction but a BOS mutiny whitelist
  5. Unity

    reddit mod

    Tbf i've never had anyone do this "Staff disrespect" to me during a sit BUT even if they did, I would ban them for being toxic, not for calling me names when i'm staff, actually if it's light insults normally I just laugh it off and continue the sit but of course ****** and all of the other banned words or telling me to kill myself, would be put under Toxicity instead of Staff Disrespect. Might just be me though. Neutral
  6. What do you want to be changed? Buff the NCR flamethrower Explanation of suggestion? The flamethrower the NCR get's 2 every couple of weeks or a month is fucking terrible. Shit damage and shit range like it takes like 7 seconds to kill t45+ BUT due to our DR they kill US before we kill them with the flamer Makes the flamethrower worth buying instead of sitting in storage collecting dust cause of how terrible it is (Have you seen an NCR using a flamer??? no cause its shit) Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
  7. What do you want to be changed? Change back the prices you get from selling gold, NCR dollars, Melee weapons, frames, guns, basically everything Explanation of suggestion? Listen I understand the economy was a bit broken because of how much caps you earned selling shit but this nerf to all prices does not make much sense at this stage of the server. If this was a new wipe then I would totally understand, make it harder to reach 100k+ but we are currently In late Game where factions has OP weapons and caps to boot so why nerf the cap making prices NOW instead of waiting till a new wipe?!?! How or why does this benefit the server? Make it easier to gain caps, revert all selling Prices to the price they once sold at, melee selling and NCR dollars as well as gold is a good reference. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
  8. Unity


    Like I said not all staff think alike and i am pretty sure it's crashed the server before might be wrong
  9. Unity


    Oh i get that I just said it's the same people who upvotes this stuff which happens to be a friend group thats all
  10. Unity


    Clearly the PF friend group has an agenda since it's the same people who upvotes anything whcih is bad against staff which is perfectly fine but you do realise the last time we perma'd someone was on the 25 of last month and that was because a guy exploited the casino and did racism and the other perma before that was Mikvik. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, you cant see ban's or the warning chat which said bans or warnings go in but I hope you realise that the amount of *shit* we let people get away with, with only a warning would surprise you. I was staff on CGC and comparing divide's current staff to CGC's, this current staff team are basically pacifists compared to them. The shit we warn people for, would of been a ban on CGC, you could RDM and again attempt to RDM and most staff here would only ban you for a day while in other servers that would be a perma. Hell I even think we should be harsher but rest of staff dont agree. We dont. Every staff has there own way on determining a ban. For me for example, I warn first BUT if i see that the person has already been warned for a similar rule for me that's a ban since you've already been warned. Other staff would still warn you again *IF* it's not the same rule you broke. We're not all robots with similar thinking sadly
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