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  1. What do you want to be changed? Render all Cores back to the forced hostility between one another and a return to a temporary ceasefire (Max of 1–2-week ceasefire with a month cooldown after the ceasefire ends) OR Allow Cores to go Neutral under specific circumstances, but do NOT allow them to directly ally or fight other cores except their primary opponent (i.e; NCR and Legion should be focusing on each other, rather than NCR calling an assist to help Unity bash BOS, it's not their primary focus) - I don't recommend this as it can get very cluttery with relations and rules just become a overall headache to endure. Explanation of suggestion? Every core in and of themselves, is a massive wrecking ball of a faction. Putting aside the weapons they get during auctions, NCR is a long range and quick to maneuver faction, Legion a up close and fast-moving faction, BOS being under the Payne Doctrine, and Unity just being filled with literal copy-paste auto T-45 and T-51 HP equivalent mega bosses with mega cost efficiency and Nightkin free SB guys on the server. (Bring back Enclave as a Core please and thanks) Every core, in its size and ideology should be constantly opposed to one another. - NCR hating BOS for the long disputes of using advanced technology, Legion for their slavery, Unity for their literal attempts to convert every living being into a Super Mutant - Legion hating NCR for their completely different dynamic of views on just about everything, Hating BOS for being the physical embodiment of over-reliance of tech, Hating Unity for forming their own "God" like Religion around The Master - BOS hating NCR for their use of advanced tech, Legion for their tribalism (Plus Cult of Mars so, again, advanced tech), Hating Unity for being Mutants - Unity hating BOS for standing in direct opposition to Mutants, Legion for their direct insult to the Master and no acceptance of Mutants, And NCR for their threatening of toppling the new "Master Race" they stand opposed to with their republic. (Obviously if we put aside the glaring issues or getting steamrolled by one Core, getting dogged on by a secondary Core out of the blue for the past 3 months just is just absolutely impossible to fight against unless you get Meeps to come out of retirement and use his imaginary technique; Purple to eradicate all opposition.) Alternatively, just buff the core into a god like status to compete with the rising masses of all opposition (If you can't get the hint of sarcasm, please pick up on it here) How or why does this benefit the server? Every core in and of themselves, if a massive wrecking ball of a faction (Obviously if we put aside the glaring issues or getting steamrolled by one Core, getting dogged on by a secondary Core out of the blue for the past 3 months just absolutely absurd for some factions (I specifically point at BOS here because everybody takes their bound of flesh and slams at them, same thing goes for WBOS, Legion, etc and no matter how you feel about these factions, I guarantee you without factions like this, the server would just fold in as they leave to play other factions eventually if it gets worse and worse and while I am TT lead and WBOS for instance is one of my primary enemies, I literally can't and won't stand to see them fold, no matter how my feelings about them are, this also goes for other factions but frankly, it takes two seconds of thought to how this must feel to Customs and Cores alike for feeling in a sense forced to be neutral with a core lest them be gang raped by their super best friend other mega core to join in the gang rape and make it unbearable to handle a raid or any kind of offensive, 2 cores vs. a Custom in a war is enough to make any one person shove a gun in their mouth. It's difficult enough as is with Cores and how strong they are MEANT to be, but pare that up with another core ASSISTING them and you have quite literally got one of the strongest power couples the server can offer, completely jamming a wrench into any concept of balance by throwing 2 completely different play style like factions in a mosh pit against each other, I don't main a core that often but I know how unbearable it might be. I KNOW this might get confusing for Wars and I'm well aware of the bumps and issues that might pop up, but frankly the current server dynamic really hurts to have to keep this going, todays war for instance was so disheartening because I knew regardless of what happened Legion was going to lose against the mega 2 NCR and BOS core team up and Payne Doctrine balanced Outcasts, regardless of who assisted Legion with that, it just makes wars like that an obvious Steamroll as there was no chance they could win. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? Now I wait, I wait for the masses, the combination of both custom and core faction members huddling to this corner of the forums, with upvotes and downvotes galore, with screams of disapproval and ChatGPT prepped conversations in the basket, I must brace and ready myself for the massive tiddle wave of both supports and haters, I fear for my soul, and the future of this community. TLDR; Put all cores to hostile with each other, it's depressing for some people to get on knowing 2 mega super power factions are gonna grab and hold them in with unyielding levels of sexual assault. I got money down on Eopsin, most of BOS, a good chunk of other cores to bump and the angry masses, pray for my soul, but the mega dog piles must end
  2. Uh, Paynes HC, Charles is Owner, Haroxan is FL
  4. The gun just meant to be a Gauss rifle but it scales with Perception lol
  6. This guy ain't in the faction btw wanna clarify that lol
  7. Actually it's more just the 5 factions we happen to be hostile with lol, Infinite chems? Yes (Which, mind you we ourselves, refuse to sell or give to anyone for purely ensuring factions like Great Khans aren't stunted in their role on the server) more over, I have been in VCs sometimes and I have heard word from some people complaining I'm running at Mach-5 in 90 DR, this isn't true as the armor is actually 80 DR (Which, when you think about it I'm flattered you think of me this way but, I'm not THAT strong lol and bitter drink won't raise my DR any higher given the percent limit with the chem). The last CO we had implemented was Yangtze itself (As part of the map) and it isn't even the system that we've custom ordered fully so, we just comprised with an unfinished CO which works, as for every Think Tank CO being accepted, that is very false, we've CO'd things such as the Saturnite Fist, X-2 Attenna, some armors, all of which have been denied prior and we've stopped chasing since. Overall, other factions like Vault-Tec, US Army, and Outcasts have been getting their respective Custom Orders as they like (We can't CO anything else rn regardless since COs are still closed but i digress) I'm not sure where you're getting this from but, it's not true. Oh god how do we tell'em Uh no we're definitely a slaving faction lol That's actually exactly what PF and Legion would do at the same time but, I mean sure lol, which is exactly what they did throughout 1.0, 2.0, and so far 3.0, I am legitimately apologizing here if we did something wrong but to my knowledge it's what every other has done thus far. I mean, lol, we've had issues with this prior and the stock and price of the gun speaks for itself as it is A VERY good kidnap tool for us there's a bit of learning curve to it (That'd you have to actually use the gun to understand) but yes I get where you're coming from as it is a very strong tool at the end of the day, arguments can be made between it being worse or better than the Mesmatron but you'd have to use both to get the grasp of each of them. I don't think to my knowledge I've done that, I probably could have under stress or distress at sometime and I am aware people HAVE tried to do this and we discourage it (As, obviously if you die, call a raid, and then try and circumvent the NLR you're gonna get bashed but, if I did do this then again, I apologize but honestly I never recall doing this myself) The faction itself has undergone a major rebalance just this wipe as every one of our armors received a touch up Holo-PA; 83 DR ---> 80 DR Cyber Armor; 80 DR ---> 75 DR Every non-PA has been heavily tweaked as well as prior before we had things such as 70 DR scientist scrubs and every single armor was universally 65 DR (Which is hind sight is HUGE above everything) Blue Scrubs; 70 DR ----> 65 DR Green scrubs; 65 DR ----> 60 DR Red/White Scrubs; 65 DR ----> 60 DR Other armors, such as Lobotomite and Security (Which lobotomite already applies a -20 Int debuff lol) were down in their DRs as every DR prior was 65 DR Mutant armor was not touched, being at 38 DR and requiring fusion cores, due to our heavy lack of PA training (Mostly getting it from extract for example) and it being the only set available it was left as is The Stealth Suit definitely took the biggest hit at dropping from an Infinite SB to a 25 Second SB, while useful for ambushes, it is no where near what it was with it's strength. I think the biggest pointer here being, we are hostile with any and all Brotherhood of Steel chapters and other factions are getting to ramp up their hostilities with us as well, if I'm being honest, you are up there as one of our biggest oppositions (Because you are a active and strong faction on your own right and you are fun to fight) but what I'm gathering from this post is mostly a lot of blurts of things that you aren't fully aware of and are still making assumptions, we do not have 90 DR, we do not have, we DO have the ability to produce chems in house at quick rates but, trading out a tech Recycler won't work (For, a semi-obvious reason lol)
  8. Project Title: Project Read-Not-Write Duration/Time Spent on Project: (9 days x 1.75x TT Multiplier) = 15.75 (rounded 16) days separated into about roughly 180-200 screenshots Project Description: Approached by the crime ridden bosses of the Van Graff crime family, with the present need for power armor training in the future to help in their illegal activities, the time now came for the Think Tank to bring the work forward and provide to them the training needed to operate this revolutionary tech. Project Goal/Purpose: The addition of Power Armor training to the Van Graff Vendor (Executive). Project Execution: Day 1 - https://imgur.com/a/oPB1UuM Day 2 - https://imgur.com/a/9nAIZ6e Day 3 - https://imgur.com/a/5XfOwGR Day 4 - https://imgur.com/a/O1KZuAr Day 5 - https://imgur.com/a/zcwf7Zj Day 6 - https://imgur.com/a/K6gIHrl Day 7 - https://imgur.com/a/4RnYCea Day 8 - https://imgur.com/a/JVe5ilg Day 9 - https://imgur.com/a/zWOyddn Book Log - Item Proof: https://imgur.com/a/QTW2Uj6 Research Personnel (132-140 int (Give or tale)): The Mind of Science (Infamy) - 25 int (+9 from clothing) (No Imgur available as he’s literally in boot camp rn lol) Phineas - 25 int (+9 from clothing) https://imgur.com/a/QFKRJwP Bohr - 25 int (+8 from clothing) https://imgur.com/a/iEpzcRM Tobias - 25 int (+8 from clothing) https://imgur.com/a/eCaAT4u Have you reviewed the Rules of Research to ensure this project meets the submission criteria? Yes Is your project a raw stat change to an item, if so, do you have pre-approval via suggestion / staff council? No Insert your accepted research project pre-approval thread link: N/A (Research Tree) Do you understand that your project maybe denied outright for gameplay balance? Yes
  12. What do you want to be changed? Change in some form or another the stats of the Multi-plas Explanation of suggestion? Change in some form or another the stats of the multiplas, whether it be it’s base damage or the RPM it gives off (Currently I believe the stat line is something like; - 45x3 - 150 RPM - 4|3 accuracy (Might sound low but when you use it, you won’t feel it lol) Obviously that’s not including higher rarity where the damage can get as high as 50 or more. edit the meta by reducing the overall damage possibly or lowering the RPM, making it rare to a similar level to that of the Riot Shotgun (But energy based) rather than wide spread and easily obtainable. How or why does this benefit the server? It literally cuts back on one of the biggest Meta weapons available globally on the server, I have seen first hand someone using a common Multi-plas (10k at VG) against a Rare H&K gat (Upwards of 300k+) and in a flat 1 v 1, the Excalibur Multi-plas destroys the H&K in 3 shots or less. Sometimes I’ll see full squads of guys rocking solely the Multi-plas and one multiplas on their own can kill a mutant in just a few shots, destroys T51 and T60 at just the same rate, it practically removes the need to save up for a high end when you just get a pocket Riot Shotgun that scales with int at anytime from VG, either make it just as rare as a Riot Shotgun or numb it down so it’s not a universal sexual assault gun (can’t say the “R-word” I’ll get raped on the forums dude ) Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chudded
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