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  • Been With Us For: 62 Days

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  1. -1 as a totally non-biased party with a massive head collection I must say this is a terrible idea 0/10 heads (online-video-cutter.com).mp4
  2. As someone who has been using the Heavy Plasma Repeater for 3 weeks, the combination of its spread and accuracy being so unbelievably shit while its impossible to see the person the your firing on due to the incredibly bright and large green muzzle particles and bullet trails, makes it the most excruciating mid-end to use. I was firing down metro on a mutant 5 feet in front of me, and somehow the spread is so large that is completely misses the big ass mutant standing in front of me and nails a random 1 hp unity grunt way off in the distance and kills him. And since I cant fucking see a thing cause of the bright green bullet particles and muzzle, I stop shooting cause I thought I killed the mutant. Which leads to me dying to the very much alive mutant 5 feet in front of me.
  3. usually vikus has brain damage but what he says actually make sense here, put the damn faction with " vault " in the name inside an actual vault. +1
  4. Commie

    I miss my family

    +1 God (squares), would be an exceptional addition to the staff team at the Divide GMod server. With unparalleled omnipotence, Squares can ensure fairness and balance in all server affairs, resolving disputes with divine wisdom and authority. Squares' infinite knowledge and omnipresence would also make them an invaluable resource for players, offering guidance and support whenever needed. Furthermore, Squares' benevolent nature and impartiality would create a welcoming and harmonious environment, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among players. In essence, inviting Squares to join the staff team would elevate the Divide GMod server to new heights, making it a beacon of fairness, knowledge, and unity in the gaming world.
  5. Commie

    M60 inaccuracy

    +1 I would like to have more variety of LMG's to be gunned down by
  6. this is the most retarded post I have ever seen why should I be forced to play on a new character just cause a 1 legionary has a OOC boner for me and wants to target me and RDM me every 8 minutes for around an hour straight. I think you are all forgetting here, as much as you want this server to be, its NOT A FALL OUT MMO. Its a FALL OUT RP SERVER. You have to do shit that makes sense in the fall out universe. RDMing someone then getting a chip on your shoulder for the OOC argument you have with them afterwards, doesn't mean IC you can spend the rest of your hour hunting them down and RDMING THEM EVEN MORE. Its fairly simple, do minge shit, get punished for it. I'm done replying to all the braindead legion players who got this post barraged and mass downvoted or people who just are dick riding them cause they see the dislike ratio and are looking for some " easy rep " All of you, need to grow the fuck up.
  7. average legion player defense for when another legion gets reported on the forums for going full retard that includes the ton of other legion barraging this post.
  8. good on you for thinking that I guess? heres a cookie!
  9. im not gonna lie man its a little late, he divided us.
  10. im heading to bed fuck this, hope its fixed by tomorrow! 

    1. Oliver


      hello would you like free vip

    2. Commie


      sign me up magic man

  11. Clip 1: March 19, 2:51 PM (keep in mind between clip 1 and 2 there were other attempts I did not record, in clip 2 I mentioned to the fiend I was talking too I have been attempted to be kidnapped by legion three times. Lugo is right in the fact that ONE of them wasn't him, however it was kidnapping that was voided by an admin) Clip 2: March 19, 3:28 PM The incidents between Clip 2 and 3 take place three minutes away from each other Clip 3: Same clip, March 19, 3:28 PM. Clip 4: March 19, 3:41 PM. So I actually gave you benefit of the doubt, the 2 hours I mentioned is actually barely 50 minutes and I will be editing my post to reflect that. You attempted to knock me out or RDM'd me at least 6 times in the span of 50 min. Which is not " Barely trying to kidnap this person and pretty far apart "
  12. The only reason I added targeting is because of clip 4. When you pulled off of the event with the rest of the legion while in combat, and you ran up a mountain side to try and knock me out. You went out of your way to get me even though it was incredibly inconvenient, like I was a target. There was multiple other legion who I had passed by that had a even better opportunity to do what you did, however they didn't. It ended up just being you, and solely you for 50 minutes straight attempting to knock me out consistently (and killing me when you couldn't without even saying a word.) You even ended up comming another legion to come help chase me (seen the background joining up with you in clip 4) This is not " normal legion stuff " having to deal with the same guy consistently trying to knock you out every 10 minutes (or in one case, 3 minutes) for 50 minutes straight, and consistently killing you when you don't make it easy for him. And I think its incredibly unfair to hide behind the " I was just trying to knock you out! " card when they are way better and more consistent ways of knocking someone out. Otherwise anyone can just charge up a full charge melee on any waster they see, bash there fucking forehead in and one shot them, then feign ignorance and say " oops I was hoping that 15% - 20% chance to knock you out would happen! sorry! " over and over and over again till it eventually happens like you tried with me. Its a very dangerous precedent that is very hard to moderate on a case by case basis. Just do it the right way next time, simple as that.
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