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  1. In-Game Name: Head Assassin Cocus Lentulus (Legion HC) Brawler Ebrahim Raisi (Unity Enlisted) Sheikh Al-Booty (Fiends Blooded NCO) Steam ID and Discord ID: _nirvan STEAM_0:0:514894595 Length of Time on the Server: I've been playing actively for 1.5-2 months now. Why do you want to be a member of the Event Team? (100 word minimum): I've enjoyed my time on the server and want to give back to the community in a way and I think the event team is a better fit due to my past experience in other servers, I also like making events and find organizing and setting up scenarios extremely fun, Also due to my time zone I can do events for the EU player base. I also did a decent amount of document work when I was a game master on another server so I can help with making event documents and lore when needed. I also know the basics of pac3 and have made a few event pacs as a game master before. Previous Event Team/GM Experience: (Don't know if I can name other communities or not, So I decided not to.) GameMaster in an MRP (Military RP) server. GameMaster in an SCPRP Server was also in the event team while in the staff team on the same server. What Skills/Attributes do you bring to the table?: I know the basics of PAC, I also have a good amount of experience as a GameMaster and Staff on other servers so I would know the basics of how to run events and how the even team works. How old are you?: 18. What are your past bans on the Server (if any): No bans or warnings. Briefly describe a possible event you would like to host on the server: Autonomous Response Due to unknown reasons, a Pre-War secret government bunker has been activated sending out hordes of self-controlled humanoid drones targeting everyone, The wasteland, and its people have been forced to unite to fight off the horde while some others try to find clues and scavenge the dead robots for parts to identify a way to shut down the protocol and save the wasteland. (The event can have multiple endings and depending on how the player base deals with it, they can get different rewards, For example, if a faction decides to shut the protocol down they get a decent amount of scrap metal and steel.)(The event is good for both type of players, The people who like to PVP can fight off the drones while others can do /me's and try to solve the event.)
    2 points
  2. FORMAT: Question 1.) What is your in-game name?: Caleb Bren Question 2.) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86671293 Question 3.) Discord ID: succubuslayer Question 4.) What is your motivation for applying for Papa Khan [FL] position?: My motivation is to return the Great Khans to a state similar to how it was early 1.0 and how it behaved in previous servers. I have ran the khans previously, before I had to take a leave, and it was always the faction I enjoyed playing the most as well as being a community for a lot of my friends to gather around. I obviously have a lot of loyalty to the khans and would like to see it return as a good faction for both tribal and chem dealing roleplay. Question 5.) What are the goal(s) of the Great Khans? The goals of the khans have changed a lot throughout server history and the history of the original series. In the original series, the Great Khans are recovering their strength while peddling chems and planning to work with the legion. In the server they have previously gone through different iterations or RP including raider roleplay, chem dealing, and even mercenary roleplay. However, I plan to focus on the chem dealing and tribal life style of the khans. Under my leadership the Great Khans would still be trying to increase their strength and provide safety for those in their tribe. They would be as stubborn as their official counterparts; having conflict with those who try to bring destruction to their tribe. But they would have a large focus on increasing their strength through chem sales to arm and armor their members. Question 6.) What sets the Great Khans apart from the Khans or New Khans? The Khans, New Khans, and Great Khans are different groups from separate games. The Khans came first as descendants of vault dwellers who left vault 15 (da NCR Vault). After they left the vault they eventually would form into a group of raiders. Led by the Death-hand, the Khans would antagonize Shady Sands and other settlements. Eventually, they would be defeated by the games protagonist. The New Khans came after their precursors were wiped out. They were formed by a descendent of the Death-Hand, they would hide out in a vault and would similarly raid and pillage local caravans while trying to remain unknown by NCR forces. They too would meet their end in California. The Great Khans are the last group to appear; the remnants of the New Khans would unite, and move into the Mojave under the leadership of Papa Khan, forming the Great Khans. Similar to their predecessors, the early Great Khans also performed raids on the NCR in order to obtain food and supplies. They would also be given basic education, including the information on how to make chems by the local FOA. However, after they were beaten at the Bitter Springs Massacre, they would retreat to Red Rock Canyon and focus on dealing chems while gathering their broken strength. Question 7.) Would you forgive the NCR for the Bitter Springs Massacre? I would act similarly to how the Great Khans did in the game, although less hostile. I would not forget and outright forgive their actions. But it's unlikely that acting out in a hostile way by themselves would be beneficial to the Khans. They would likely be beaten and that's not the goal of the Great Khans. So as Papa Khan I would just keep a watchful eye. Question 8.) How do you plan to maintain the traditions and values of the Great Khans while also adapting to the changing world? The world would be changing for the Great Khans in the Mojave, in this situation they'd be meeting many different factions with different ideologies and technology beyond their comprehension. I think they would hold onto their ideals as a tribal faction, since they are the Khans have always been a very stubborn group. I think they would approach all these groups with caution and see what technologies and people could be used to strengthen their people. Similarly to how their interacted with the Legion.
    2 points
  3. What do you want to be changed? Removal of Second in Command armor from all Core Factions. Explanation of suggestion? As the Major of NCR and Ex-Caesar I have used two sets of 2IC armor; the sets are unnecessary and just make core factions more overpowered than they need to be. It's too much to keep track of and stupid to have to handle. Just go back to one FL Armor. How or why does this benefit the server? Less unique armor sets.
    1 point
  4. I don’t know why this shit ever got added other than to add more drip but honestly with how retarded people are it ended up being a negative
    1 point
  5. Steam ID STEAM_0:1:111126327 Discord ID Jonathann1 State your full birth name Lapp Colt What Role are you Interested in? Knights or Brimstone. Summarize your history and story. My upbringing in the Washington Brotherhood was filled with rigorous training, both intellectual and physical, to prepare for obtaining technology and fighting enemies within the wasteland. Ensuring the safety of his brothers, he decided to become a full fledged member. Explain the Washington Brotherhoods ideology and mission. The mission is to become a prominent power in the wasteland and secure technology. What is the codex? How important is it to you? Don't sell tech or give it away. Advanced tech is to be given to hc/officers. Chems are to be used during combat only. Tribalistic acts are only allowed towards slaves/enemies. Treat all members as blood. The codex is important so that we can work together and work towards our goals. Do you promise to follow the codex now until the end, or face punishment as a traitor? Yes
    1 point
  6. Steam ID STEAM_0:1:111126327 Discord ID Jonathann1 State your full birth name Lapp Colt What Role are you Interested in? Knights or Brimstone. Summarize your history and story. My upbringing in the Washington Brotherhood was filled with rigorous training, both intellectual and physical, to prepare for obtaining technology and fighting enemies within the wasteland. Ensuring the safety of his brothers, he decided to become a full fledged member. Explain the Washington Brotherhoods ideology and mission. The mission is to become a prominent power in the wasteland and secure technology. What is the codex? How important is it to you? Don't sell tech or give it away. Advanced tech is to be given to hc/officers. Chems are to be used during combat only. Tribalistic acts are only allowed towards slaves/enemies. Treat all members as blood. The codex is important so that we can work together and work towards our goals. Do you promise to follow the codex now until the end, or face punishment as a traitor? Yes
    1 point
  7. Steam ID Steam ID: 76561198858868596 Discord ID sargentnoob Interview State your full birth name Bonker Hill What Role are you Interested in? Brimstone Summarize your history and story. Growing up in the confines of the gas station bunker, Bonker learned to adapt to the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic world. Raised by a group of survivors who had sought refuge in the bunker, he quickly became familiar with the dangers and challenges of the wasteland. As Bonker came of age, he found himself drawn to the thrill of exploration and the adrenaline of survival. His adventurous spirit led him to venture beyond the safety of the bunker, where he encountered the lawless world of raiders. Embracing the raider lifestyle, Bonker honed his skills in combat and resourcefulness, earning a reputation for his cunning tactics and fearless demeanor. As Bonker Hill became a member of the Washington Brotherhood, he found a new sense of purpose and belonging. His experiences in the gas station bunker had shaped him into a resilient and skilled survivor, He joined the Brimstone to solidify his stay in the Washington Brotherhood, and through all this kept his strong spirit and will to survive Do you promise to follow the codex now until the end, or face punishment as a traitor? Yes
    1 point
  8. Gonna Post this so the chances of an active Khan can get FL instead of a random FORMAT: Question 1.) What is your in-game name?: Arban Glad Burenkhii Question 2.) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93468393 Question 3.) Discord ID: Unity1020 Question 4.) What is your motivation for applying for Papa Khan [FL] position?: The Khans has so much more to give then just being an dead money making chem faction, believe me despite being in the khans for a month and two days, I can see the mass amount of potential the khans has AND has always had. I want to use my experience of 7 years of fallout RP as i've been assigned as High command even second in command of many factions and I feel like Khans is the faction that i want to test myself on being a FL. Also I, and many of the Khans want a candidate that's actually in the khan discord, that actually is active on there khans, who's got there best ideas and plans going forward instead of a random fucking outsider getting it and resetting all of the progress the khans made before the server closed, and making it into a small friend group faction.+ Question 5.) What are the goal(s) of the Great Khans? The khans deep down are tribalistic mercenaries more then anything else, that was before the Chosen one beat there asses and the massacre of bitter springs made them get pushed out of the mercenary business into the chem making business. So right now it's to sell chems, to different factions, and try to restore the great name that they use to live up to. Question 6.) What sets the Great Khans apart from the Khans or New Khans? New Khans was more Mercenaries, being split up into tribes instead of unifying as one under one Papa Khan. The Great Khans are chem dealers who think it's better to be unified under one great khan instead of being split and scattered across the wastes. Question 7.) Would you forgive the NCR for the Bitter Springs Massacre? Anyone can be forgiven depending on the time and place and how many years before the massacre took place. The Massacre is and will always be engraved in our memory, however given the right diplomatic talks, the right colonel, and peace offerings I can see the khans and NCR at least being Neutral with each other. Question 8.) How do you plan to maintain the traditions and values of the Great Khans while also adapting to the changing world? It's quite simple. Right now the Khans has been slowly getting back on our feet before the wipe, we recruited a bunch of people and got our asses into gear, we even took part in some raids against PF/ncr as well, we was slowly recovering before the wipe getting 7 players on, 4 people on daily and I hope to continue this once the server comes back up so right now, If i was Papa Khan, recruitment and activity would be my main focus. Once the Khans recovers and have a decent activity base and our gear fielded out, I'd like to change the khan's outlook on the ever changing world. Apart from selling chems WHICH will still be a division, I'm going to make khans into a mercenary faction as well. Bounty hunting, Paid alliances, raids, assistance in wars, and so on unifying the new khans and the Great khans into a mercenary but chem selling faction. Reason why im doing this? Well we can already do it safe to say, but becoming mercenaries is mainly to encourage people to join the khans as well as keep them active if they want to do something else then just farm chems for hours upon ends (trust me that gets boring after a while.) I'll also be doing a reset of all HC apart from the current Khan, he will still be HC and ghoulseye. The rest which has not shown activity will be removed from there position as i start slowly filling out the NCO slots, and scouting out future HC members which can make a difference. The khans has got great potential, always has and i'll do my goddamn hardest to make that potential come to life.
    1 point
  9. In-Game Name: Shock Cadet SPC Johan Blackthorne (NCR), PV2 Craig Boone (NCR) [Approved by: Major Mikvik], Dummy #414 Lefwey Wefway (ThinkTank), Salvatore Bonpensero (Supermutant Waster) Steam ID and Discord ID: STEAM_0:0:105102751, big_boss_97 Length of Time on the Server: 105:58 hr Why do you want to be a staff member? (100 word minimum): I’ve spent most of my time in Garry's mod building and protecting communities, and that's exactly what I aim to do here. Joining the divide Roleplay staff team isn’t just about managing a server. It's about creating a place where everyone can thrive and immerse themselves in a world they love. My experience in server management has taught me how to resolve conflicts, build a strong community, and ensure fairness for all players. I understand the importance of maintaining high standards and a sense of order. I’m committed to bringing those qualities to this role, ensuring our players have the best possible experience in the fallout RP sphere. Previous Staff Experience: Intel Dark RP: Junior Mod, 2014 (snake) Prestige Police RP: Admin, 2015 (John Black) Venomous Gaming: Owner, 2015 - 2020 (M a x) Diverge Mafia RP: Admin, 2022 (Sal) What Skills/Attributes do you bring to the table?: Well, I bring a lifetime of experience in leadership and conflict resolution IRL and in Garry’s Mod. I've built communities from the ground up and kept them running smoothly, no matter the challenges. I understand the importance of fairness and order, and I know how to ensure both. My communication skills are strong, enabling me to connect with players and staff effectively. I'm highly organized, making sure everything runs like a well-oiled machine. Above all, my dedication to this role and passion for the community drives me to strive for excellence every single day. I'm here to build something lasting and worthwhile. How old are you?: 26 What are your past bans on the Server (if any): None. List as many rules as possible from the rule page without looking: - RDM - NLR - Combat bait - Hacking (ESP, AIM BOT) - Racism - Exploiting - Fail RP - Failure to follow FearRP - LTAP - Metagaming - Mercy killing - Prop abuse - Chain mugging - Player Targeting - ERP - Pedophilia - PAC abuse
    1 point
  10. 0 points
  11. What do you want to be changed? Revert to CGC economy. Explanation of suggestion? Reverting to CGC price points, more consistent price scaling for faction and public vendors, MUCH better prices for resources like adhesive, better scaling for recyclers/money printer stuff, better looting prices, and more consistent melee vendor prices. How or why does this benefit the server? The current economy is flawed for SEVERAL reasons. 1. Inconsistent high end price points scaled between each other and also scaled with armor. In most cases, Power Armor costs 20-25% what a high end would cost and most high ends do not exceed 50k, due to the 100k tax it would be horrible for them to exceed that. 2. Server inflation is WAY to chaotic and the economy is an utter mess as is. Auctions especially show this as an issue. A gun one month would cost 200k, one month later it costs nearly 1m without a buff. It is problematic and shows how this "deflated" economy has done nothing to fix anything. It is also a much bigger gap between the rich and poor. 3. Low end items like crafting resources and low end weapons have horrendously bad price gaps. If you get a pistol frame or something like a R91 frame you'd like to craft and you buy all of the resources needed for it from the public vendors you craft it. Then going to sell it you will make less than what it cost you. In some cases the vendor gives you half of what it cost to craft the weapon. With an inflated economy this wouldn't be an issue, more money means more gaps for scaling prices. 4. Inconsistent vendor prices have plagued the community. Melee vendors and frame/bp vendors don't have enough gaps to properly reflect rarity and lootability. Melee prices also fluctuate on a very regular basis for some reason which wouldn't be an issue in a CGC economy. 5. For some odd reason, when "deflating" the economy, many things were not "deflated". Crafting resources were doubled in price, most core faction money methods got nerfed by less than 5 caps despite it supposed to being cut by 35-50%, and due to the very bad deflation balance choices, melee weapons were either cut in half or not touched at all. Why swap over? 1. Guns would have more "stock" like prices. For example, in CGC a weapon like the Caster cost 1.5 m at the beginning of 5.0. In the last month of 5.0 you would likely be able to get it at auction for a good price of 250-400k. This gap in price happened within a point of a year or so of wipe, including supply and demand. On here these kinds of auction prices would happen fluctuate on a VERY regular basis, leaving no consistency in prices. On here, the Caster went for about 500k one auction, 450k the next, then another 500k, to then a staggering 100k. With little room for the economy to grow or for people to express ways to make money, the same people get the same stuff and the more of a gap there is between the rich and poor. Same could be said with a handful of other weapons as well on here like the Gauss Rifle or Grenade Rifles being 2 other huge examples. 2. The CGC economy has lasted almost 3 years in a single wipe. It works. On here the economy has little spread or fluctuation for anything that is not a high end for both selling and buying, making everything else useless unless its a money printer. Also on Divide somehow things reach CGC levels of prices somehow despite being "deflated"?? Seems odd because its been so well baked in apparently. 3. Power Armor prices on CCG were reflected much better. On Divide, Power Armor prices are flawed, T45 and T51 have little to no difference in terms of price due to the little gap in the economy with how prices can go. The same can be said between T51 and T60 as well for some factions. 4. Big numbers. People like being rewarded with big numbers. We all have brain rot. 5. Better looting dynamics. Melee weapons are slightly more viable to sell without being too much of an issue, and frames are more worth crafting because a single sheet of steel doesn't cost 20 caps for some god forsaken reason. 6. This current economy is a failure at cutting down on people being rich. There are enough people I can count on 2 hands that have made hundreds of thousands of caps for their factions in just days of grinding. 7. Mugging will feel more rewarding and the standard cap set of 3500 will feel better but not too bad for the person being mugged either.
    -1 points
  12. What do you want to be changed? Get rid of VATS in exchange for a flat Perception Boost of +5 Explanation of suggestion? 1. VATS right now is ass, it works 10-25% of the time. So you're gambling on whether the server or code is working properly so that you can actually shoot your gun and not get a glorified tik tok filter zoom in with numbers flashing. 2. The cost for the Pipboy does not make sense for the shit system it's giving you and therefor would not be bought unless you like to waste money on a unfunctional wearable cosmetic. 3. It turns weapons that were not meant to be medium to long range into glorified DMRs with amazing accuracy. (No a DB or Riot should not become a slug of a weapon, you're meant to be CQC not American Sniper.) The Fix? Make the Pipboy give a flat +5 Perception boost to you when you equip it. (Yes I know FOA has a Perc implant but that's easily removed on PK, No VATS shouldn't "Stay were it is" because otherwise you'd be clogging the server with "shit that should stay were it is") How or why does this benefit the server? Cleaning up the fucking broken system and giving some actual use to the Pipboy. Also an excuse to get rid of VATS so the server has one less thing to be weigh downed. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? NO
    -5 points
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