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Enclave Mojave Born-In Apps


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You find yourself waking up drowsy and thirsty in a tiny cell in some underground dungeon, the room is dim and the sound of screaming and pleas for mercy can be heard in the distance. It is then that you notice the two Enclave soldiers standing guard outside your cell, they appear to be dressed in basic Enclave dress fatigues and only armed with plasma rifles. As you attempt to find your footing, you hear the cell door creaking open only to be greeted with a robust, yet tall individual in a Colonel coat, it is then that your years of Enclave training and indoctrination take over, thus forcing you to salute the figure. He marches callously across the cell before finally nailing his beady eyes into you as you remain at attention. It is then that he finally speaks:

"Seems like you found yourself in quite the trouble, young man... Well, count your blessings for I am your God sent salvation! I care not for why you have found yourself in this cell, whether it be your differing opinions with the Brass or your consistent aid of "mutants" out on patrols me and you will need each other. You see, you can sign to join my battalion headed to the Mojave for "Peace-Keeping Operations" or face a court-martial and likely execution. I suggest the former rather than the latter..."

As fast as he entered the man exists. On your hard cell bed he leaves a sign-up sheet... Will you do your duty to your country a final time?

We will be running a different rendition of the Enclave this time around, we are Reformists and as such we will not be very friendly with other Purist Enclave cells and there will be some interesting dynamics at play with the faction. While we are reformist, this doesn't mean we are no longer Enclave or that we are now good... We are Reformist for our own sake. Roleplay the part, or if you will be a Purist then it is expected you lean heavily into that role, just know you will not be popular. 

IC Application:


Previous rank (If you were in Enclave):


What are you skilled at?:

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?:

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?:




Steam ID:

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?:

How active can you be?:

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?:

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Name: Agent K

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): Agent

Backstory: IRS Agent sent by the fearless Commissioner Makane

What are you skilled at?: Intelligence Gathering, Operational Security, Tax collecting.

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: Scoff at the other wordly freak infront of me and hold my breath until it leaves my sight. 

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: Yes!



Discord: toaster._

Steam ID: redacted

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: Help rebuild and get on when im not busy

How active can you be?: 2/10

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: Yes

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  • Epsilon featured this topic

Name: Commissioner Makane

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): colonel

Backstory: enclave

What are you skilled at?: everything

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: kill it

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: yes



Discord: marskilmao

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441762651

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: I'm already in it

How active can you be?: idk depends on my schedule and if I got time

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: yes

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You find yourself waking up drowsy and thirsty in a tiny cell in some underground dungeon, the room is dim and the sound of screaming and pleas for mercy can be heard in the distance. It is then that you notice the two Enclave soldiers standing guard outside your cell, they appear to be dressed in basic Enclave dress fatigues and only armed with plasma rifles. As you attempt to find your footing, you hear the cell door creaking open only to be greeted with a robust, yet tall individual in a Colonel coat, it is then that your years of Enclave training and indoctrination take over, thus forcing you to salute the figure. He marches callously across the cell before finally nailing his beady eyes into you as you remain at attention. It is then that he finally speaks:

"Seems like you found yourself in quite the trouble, young man... Well, count your blessings for I am your God sent salvation! I care not for why you have found yourself in this cell, whether it be your differing opinions with the Brass or your consistent aid of "mutants" out on patrols me and you will need each other. You see, you can sign to join my battalion headed to the Mojave for "Peace-Keeping Operations" or face a court-martial and likely execution. I suggest the former rather than the latter..."

As fast as he entered the man exists. On your hard cell bed he leaves a sign-up sheet... Will you do your duty to your country a final time?

We will be running a different rendition of the Enclave this time around, we are Reformists and as such we will not be very friendly with other Purist Enclave cells and there will be some interesting dynamics at play with the faction. While we are reformist, this doesn't mean we are no longer Enclave or that we are now good... We are Reformist for our own sake. Roleplay the part, or if you will be a Purist then it is expected you lean heavily into that role, just know you will not be popular. 

IC Application:

Name: Sugar

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): CPL

Backstory: Enclave

What are you skilled at?: locating things and burning people who aren't enclave

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: kill it 

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: yes 



Discord: AngelChara

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:138642581

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: im already in it 

How active can you be?: i can be active during the pm times or all day during mondays and fridays 

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: yes 

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Name: Tom

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): Major

Backstory: Tom was born into the Enclave’s strict, authoritarian society, raised with the belief that the Enclave was humanity’s rightful successor after the Great War. Rising through the ranks of the Enclave's military, Tom proved himself a loyal and calculating officer, known for his unflinching commitment to the Enclave’s vision of a "restored" America. As a high command officer, he oversees key operations, from maintaining the Enclave’s technology to enforcing its ruthless agenda.

What are you skilled at?: strategic and calm

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: Capture and exterminate


Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: Yes



Discord: lordtomofnorway

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:140600746

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: Got told to make a app again

How active can you be?: every other week

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: Yes

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Name: Deputy Commissioner Morrison

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): Major, Warrant Officer

Backstory: Morrison is a die hard loyal American patriot of the Enclave, he has partaken in many missions the Enclave had assigned to him and brought back satisfying results, thus high command took notice of his services and promoted him up through the ranks and proceeded to lead the main force as an officer. Later down the line he would be offered to transfer to the IRS to be an agent and would accept the transfer.

What are you skilled at?: Leading, Negotiating, and Strategizing

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: I would cringe at the sight of a filthy ghoul before me, but would pay no mind to it unless it decides to be a threat to me, otherwise I would continue on with my duties.

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: Yes



Discord: bravo_o7

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102326320

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: To indulge myself in an immersive RP experience within the Enclave faction

How active can you be?: Only on my days off, otherwise I work

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: Yes

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Name: Jack Alican or Jr. Agent "J"

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): like a pvt or sum

Jr. Agent Newly enlisted to assist his brothers in arms against the green people 

What are you skilled at?:
marksmanship, intel reports, neuralyzing people 

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?:
look at him with disgust tell it to leave my sight and spray myself down with disinfectant spray 

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?:



Discord: diamondbackandy

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:514954482

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: play it and help it out when i can

How active can you be?: 4/10 or so

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: Yes

Edited by Diamondback
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Name: Agent Thugmeister

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): Agent

Backstory: Real ass thug from the hood

What are you skilled at?: Everything

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?:
Kill him

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?:

God Bless the Enclave


Discord: awaw7279

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:101573953

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?:
Cuz its my hood

How active can you be?:
Every other day

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?:

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  • Epsilon pinned this topic


Captain David Richard

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave):

Old Enclave high command that has served the Enclave for years.

What are you skilled at?:
Sniping, kidnapping and Eagle.

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?:
Call him a loose skin and shoot him with a gauss.

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?:




Steam ID:

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?:
I main enclave

How active can you be?:

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?:

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Name: Devonte Stephenson

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): N/A

Backstory: Real ass og came out the womb killing greenskins and zombies

What are you skilled at?: Killing greenskins and zombies with hammers

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: Grab a hammer and kill it 

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: Enclave is love enclave is life



Discord: duradurr

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:214334785

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: Cause my fellow gang bangers are in it

How active can you be?: Very

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: Yeah

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Posting this for Bobby

Name: LCPL Bobby Alican

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): LCPL

Backstory: Son to 2 commisoned officers of Enclave Main Forces, enlisted into the enclave main force.

What are you skilled at?: Shooting people, and greenies, blowing stuff up, drive bys, and every other skill in the books.

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: Threaten him, kill him

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: Yes

(OOC) Discord: bobby_tm

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:520511605

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: Already in

How active can you be?: Super Active!

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: I do

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Name: Michael Johnson

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): LCPL

Backstory: Pure american soldier sent out into the wastes to kill waste freaksnf whatnot

What are you skilled at?: intel build gun

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: Stomp his brains out

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: Yes



Discord: chikibrik11200

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:569771401

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: i’m already in it

How active can you be?: 6/10

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: Yes

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IC Application:

Name: Robert Lobber

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): Hellfire (At least was Senior NCO, I dont remember the exact rank)

Backstory: Robert Lobber was serving since he could hold a rifle, and believes the Enclave is the only hope for a recovering United States. He grew up in a militant Enclave group that faced constant hostility from all sides, until they were forced out after the Colonel was assassinated. He wandered for a while, until he met up with some remnants and regrouped with this new sect of Enclave, ready to fight for the America he believes still exists.

What are you skilled at?:
Power Armor CQB, Fortification building, inspecting civilians for suspicious features, and being on the watch for raiders and ne'er-do-wells.
Also adept at leading coordinated patrols and constructing checkpoints if necessary

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: 

I would tell the ghoul to halt and maintain distance, getting one of my squad mates to assist me in ensuring compliance. Depending on the nature of the patrol, I would tell the ghoul to immediately leave the area or detain the ghoul. I would keep insults to a minimum, but would probably call it some form of "dirty mutant".
If the ghoul did not comply to leave the area, or pull up any weapon, I would immediately open fire upon the ghoul.
When detaining, I would not mug or steal from the ghoul, but would search its belongings to find and illegal or nefarious weaponry/products. I would then try to get information from it and ask it questions like "Are you alone" or "Who are you associated with?". Non-compliance would lead to death quickly. If they complied I would either still execute them or let them go, depending on the nature of the patrol leader.

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?:

Yes Sir, Oorah


Discord: bobbyboop

Steam ID: 76561198010110235

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: I played Enclave almost a year ago now, I forget during which version of divide, but I enjoyed it until OOC drama made it fairly unenjoyable. I always liked the faction, the roleplay, and of course the PvP. Just heard from one of my friends divide is making a comeback and I would like to be apart of the Enclave once again, I see some familiar faces around.

How active can you be?: Most active on Saturdays normally (unless I have plans), but normally active on the weekends and sometimes during the weekday (Working from home ftw)

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?:
Yes I am fine with that, I do actually like being IC on mic, but I understand that is difficult for some to respond in roleplay to, I am familiar with using binds and all the general lingo for proper roleplay.

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Name: Jr. Agent Frederick Spencer

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): Jr. Agent

Backstory: i was born with a gauss rifle in my hand shooting mutants n shi

What are you skilled at?: disintegrating ghouls

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: kill that nga

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: yes



Discord: dragosm587

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:476607259

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: already in

How active can you be?: i can be on for the majority of flag ups

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: yes

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Name: Bernard Shepard Autumn IX

Previous Rank (If you were in the Enclave): Governor of the Federal State of Mississippi, Director of the Enclave Dixie Command

Backstory: Born in a small Enclave Bunker outside Montgomery, Alabama, Bernard has always been in politics due to his own family's connections and his Charm, he started out as a low level bureaucrat but due to his great land management skills, he soon found himself running a lot of the Dixie Command's holdings until he eventually became the Director after winning his Governor race in Mississippi by a landslide. Implemented the Dixie Commands's unique mutant segregation policy!

What are you good at: Politics, propaganda, land management and "managing mutant resources"

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: Capture the Ghoul, segregate it off from the general population, and put it to work serving it's country in perpetuity of course!

Do you understand the Enclave is your home, your life: Absolutely!


Discord: unclesam0856

Steam ID: Not on hand at the moment, can be found though.

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave: I'm a big fan of the government, and I run a big group of similar concept on a different RP server and I'm looking to branch out.

How active can you be?: If something major is happening or I'm asked to flag on I can usually be there, besides that I sink a good handful of hours in a week regularly.

Do you understand the Enclave is a serious RP faction, and you're expected to remain in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: Yes

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Name: Maxwell Green

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): CPL

Backstory: Born and raised in the enclave, raised by the flag and for the flag, wanting to die for the flag

What are you skilled at?: PVP, Crafting, looting, diplomacy, you name it I can do it

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: Attempt capturing the ghoul for study.

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: Yes



Discord: drdogler

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:53411151

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: I was the most active member before all this went down, I still plan to be if I’m allowed back into the enclave

How active can you be?: Very

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: Yes

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IC Application:

Name: PFC Frank Hassel

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): PFC

Backstory: Born to blow mutants up n shit on foenm grave

What are you skilled at?: shooting people

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: shoot him

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: yes



Discord: _Tsurreal

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:96504388

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: Already in Enclave

How active can you be?:  I can Attend all Enclave flag ups / Patrols

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: Yes

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IC Application:

Name: Happy Gambino

Previous rank (If you were in Enclave): PFC

Backstory: A real patriot woken up by his government to rebuild America

What are you skilled at?: Combat, Science, Blind Patriotism

You are patrolling, a ghoul walks up to your patrol, what do you do?: If it's non hostile and out of our way, ignore it. If it pulls a weapon, vaporize it.

Do you understand that the Enclave is your home, your life?: YES 



Discord: .atreides.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:62603346

Why do you want to join/rejoin the Enclave?: Help out where I can. Enclave are my favorite Fallout guys.

How active can you be?: I just got fired so very

Do you understand that the Enclave is a Serious RP faction, and you are expected to stay in character at all times? That you may be restricted in using your mic?: YES

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