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Free jooperi, free licky lee


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Who banned you?: Happened months ago at the start of 3.0

What is your in-game name and Steam name?: Jopperi

What was your ban message and how long were you banned? (Screenshot of the ban message when you attempt to join)

Banned for offensive slurs

What were you banned for?:(What did you do?)

He called someone a darkie and was warned. Later someone was shit talking him and he called him a f@g!!!

What is your Steam ID and Discord ID:

joopperi STEAM_0:1:565673807

Please provide any evidence you have regarding the incident that led up to your ban:


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On 10/31/2024 at 3:12 AM, justin said:

perm bans when the server is already down is crazy, yes shame on you. write a 1000 word essay on why slurs are bad. +1 million

Letting pirates aboard your sinking ship may help you bucket out water, but once it floats again what stops them from throwing you overboard

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