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What do you want to be changed? Heisenberg is a Skill that has no use in the server because it does not function whatsoever. It does not increase the effectiveness of Chems. A Novice Stimpak will heal the same amount of HP as an Expert Stimpak. Aside from Bitter Drink, which is not affected at all, all Chems have the same effects regardless of whether or not they are crafted by a player who does or does not have Heisenberg Rank 1 or 2. Explanation of suggestion? Heisenberg should be worth investing points into. If a player is willing to invest points into it, an "Expert" Chem crafted by that player should be better than a "Novice" Chem crafted by a different player or found in Lootable Containers around the map. My suggestion is that the current statistics for "Novice" Chems should be the new statistics for "Expert" Chems. That way, adjusting their statistics backwards would be much easier compared to trying to increase them. Just as an example, an Expert Stimpak would heal 65 HP for 10 seconds, an Advanced Stimpak would heal 55 HP for 10 seconds, and a Novice Stimpak would heal 45 HP for 10 seconds. How or why does this benefit the server? Fixes a Skill that is useless. As well, it provides an alternative to dedicated players who do not want to purchase Chems from the Great Khans or Followers of the Apocalypse, especially if Factions have dedicated divisions/players who are in the Faction for Medical RP. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A
What do you want to be changed? This would normally be called a nerf. But I prefer to call it a rebalance as me and a lot of other people are don't think the transition from "West-tek" to "Outcasts" Specifically looking at there Tesla RCW (that doesn't require broad shoulders like most guns of that caliber do) and there gauss gat which I understand is restricted by stock and to HC but as the server goes (however long it goes) that will quickly spiral out of control. Explanation of suggestion? I have heard a lot of excuses for there ability and power. I will mention the ones that i've heard and say why they dont make sense. Before I start. I wanna point out West-tek was a research faction. Thats why they had the bonus. Outcasts is PVP faction. For them to have the same gear BUT better is insane. First while talking to Payne about this (outcast HC) He said one of the reasons for there overpoweredniss is because that they (I imagine he meant the people that paid in for west-tek) Paid a lot of money for it and at the start of the server's creation. This makes no sense to me as ALL custom factions have paid money to be where they are. And I was told USAR has payed even more then them (not to say they aren't strong as well but just not as strong as Outcasts) So saying that they can be that strong just because they paid doesn't make any sense. Everyone has paid there way. And 90% of customs aren't as strong. Another excuse I heard for there placement (and this is to do with what a lot of people are annoyed about) They are allied with main BOS. Now everyone has complained about this and Payne excused it as BOS "needing" an ally. Well it is not the servers fault they are like this. Relations are a part of the game. Either you are good at it or not. This was the same excuse that was used in 2.0. Still makes no sense. If they bent so easily to outcasts why arent they just one faction? Another excuse heard "have you seen how OP cores are?" This may be the worst one of all. Customs and cores should not be compared. Simple as. Lastly as this has gone one already too long. The transition from "West-tek" to "Outcasts" was just one big buff to them. First of all I have seen it said that "Westk-Tek" had a flag up cap? Gone for outcasts for some reason. Even though the same gear is still OP. Now in the past it has cost MORE money to convert one faction to another. I know first had that it cost USAR A LOT of real money to transfer from WL to USAR. More than $750 (and in total over a GRAND). Now of course I dont know the dealings of whatever it cost (although the theory is that it was nothing as Payne is SC) and if that was true that would be outrageous as they have gained so much more in becoming outcasts. A whole new base and tech recycler and a robo brain WL, just for starters. But if it truly was just the initial payment for "West-tek" that is unfair to EVERYONE who ever put a single cent in the server. Oh and very last thing. The Outcast leader said yesterday that if the Tesla RCW was nerfed the person who paid for it would charge back. Hopefully that was a joke but that has been done in the past? Where are gunners now? I can go on to talk more about this and will if this gets denied. All I want is for SC to look over Outcasts again and see if they can level it out a little more before moving forward. UPDATE: Outcasts assisted NCR in a war. They have Ghouls and Mutants in there ranks. Outcasts is a custom and so can do whatever they want. But im tired of there poor excuses. They dont care about rp or the codex. NO EXCUSES LADS! How or why does this benefit the server? As mentioned this is what is fair for everyone. Everyone has paid money for there customs. And you can't come to me and say something like "COA" is the same as "Outcasts" All I ask is to go over outcasts again. And make the adjustments to the gear now that the faction is no longer player capped. "West-tek" was seen as an OP faction but since it was capped and a research faction. Nobody cared. Outcasts IS a PVP faction. There is no denying that. The same rules cant be applied. The people make the server. If it was just a server with 5 SC members you wouldn't find it too fun I imagine. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Change Rippers sounds from switchblade to ripper sounds Explanation of suggestion? Currently, the ripper melee weapon uses the switchblade sound effect when swinging, which is annoying because it's a high-pitched sound sometimes played seconds apart and is the wrong sound effect. How or why does this benefit the server? Not cause emission break and annoyance from the repeated high-pitched swinging noise. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? Sounds can be found to download from the Wiki or below. Attack Sound: Wpn_Ripper_fire_lpm.ogg Idle Sound: Wpn_Ripper_idle_lpm.ogg ========================================================
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? To make the USAR armor faction lead armor in line with the rest of the servers faction lead armor Explanation of suggestion? Currently, the USAR faction lead armour (US ARMY T-49 Power Armor ) has default T-60 stats; I propose that it be changed to be in line with the rest of the custom faction lead armour. Proposed stats change: DR: 85 Speed: -25 Jump: -15 How or why does this benefit the server? To make it so all factions are in line with each other and no faction is punished. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A ========================================================
I have recently noticed an almost universal issue in most discord groups as well as in game, which would be the increasingly common usage of various slurs and particularly unsavory language, in specific mention of sexual assault. One of the main reasons I left BOS, for example, was the usage of the n word with a hard r used as an insult in the first 5 minutes of joining by a high ranking officer. Not to mention the constant mention of the word "rape" every 5 seconds in chat. In general, this change needs to be done not only because of general ethical reasons, but to not be banned wholesale by any GMOD staff that could casually join into the game. It also could, and most likely has, scared off new players. Attached here is roughly a random clip of an NCR vc where the n word is used 4 or so made while I was writing this document. I am not saying ban every swear word, that would be excessive, just remove the more bannable words that could get people to leave or eventually get us banned by any roaming GMOD staff that could join in the game and potentially in core discords. In this case I would ban the word for SA, the n word and other blatantly racist slurs, homophobic slurs and other words commonly banned by other mainstream games. Why they should be banned in Discord as well: While it is generally harder to enforce this rule in other places, one of the main possible experiences for a potential new player or a potential gmod staff would be joining the game and then joining a faction. If the first thing they hear is someone screaming the n word constantly, they may not want to continue playing or report the server. What's worse is that most issues I have seen come from higher officers or retired officers saying these kinds of words. In regards to how staff could possibly enforce this: tell higher ranking members of the core factions to enforce this rule with either warnings or bans for repeated offenses or ask players in NCR that are staff to enforce this rule whenever they are on. Go to 1:25 for the first one.
Please Read the whole thing before you get mad and just downvote cause it sounds like a terrible idea. So I mainly made this because I wanna get people to start thinking of new ideas for the map/Server. Obviously with the whole server situation that has went down chaos has erupted. We don't know if the Gmod Server will be coming back online soon, or until after the new map is done. I believe this is a great time for us, as a community to start making input on things we wanna see added or changed. So, I figured I'd put my personal input in coming from a purely RP outlook. So no, I'm not thinking of any sort of balanced or fairness in this. I'm PURELY thinking of it in a RP way. I would like to mention I think we, as a community should get some form of Daily, or Bi Daily announcement on what is going on with the server, what's getting fixed/worked on, etc. Just until the server is fixed. I know a lot of people, myself included. Are very anxious, and worried about it currently. Anyways, here is the MAIN topic of this post. I think that each faction should get a Pre Determined starting location on the map that Fits Lore wise when the NEW map is released. For example NCR gets Camp McCarron. Unity gets Black Mountain or Jacob's Town. Fiends get Vault 3. Legion gets The Fort. Enclave gets remenant bunker, BoS gets Hidden valley. Etc etc, you see the point. Each faction would get their MAIN base location from the actual Game. Now some of you may be thinking "what about custom factions like Talon." Those can get bases based upon what their faction is, and available spaces on the map. So IN MY OPINION. An example could be that Talon, a mercenary based faction. Could get the NCR base that's on the strip from in game (NCR Military Police HQ), or maybe they can get REPCON HQ. It puts them in a good spot for people to hire and trade with them. Other factions like U.S could get The Air Field or some other military base location. Obviously you'll have Your Van Graffs and Crimson Caravon or even Gun Runners (would be super cool to have cause then we could get their weapons hopefully) where they are normally in game aswell. This is a RP server. With the new map looking to be much bigger I think this would be a welcome START. I simply say this as a start. Obviously people are gonna go to war and fight for other territories. I just think since we aren't doing a full reset. Just a map transfer. This would be a good way for people to have a guaranteed starting point without having to run around the map and worry about the best spots being taken, and it would also allow people to get their members back into their factions faster. This suggestion of mine very well can be thrown out and forgotten. I definitely know it has many flaws. Especially because we don't even know how big the map is and what is actually gonna be there. Half the locations could not even exist. I just think it could be a good idea and wanted to get my thoughts out there and allow others to start thinking of some cool ideas to bring to the server. (You can skip this part, its just a bunch of other ideas to feed peoples imaginations) Side Ideas: I think The Dam should be added, and with it. It being a Nuetral location that can be won via wars for it. To start a Event will go down and the winning faction gets control of it. No idea what the event would be. Could be PvP, scavanger hunt, thats not what im here for, im not an event manager. Anyways, whoever holds it gets some sort of bonus for their faction. And Once a week, each faction can choose to have a War/raid or whatever for the dam. Would be a cool way to do wars or events besides just attacking peoples bases. You could also make special events for the controlling faction to try and make it public again if they seem to be to strong to take it. Like aliens attack and take it over and now people have to fight them for it or something, you could even have a grace period after you lose it. Like you have to wait a week inorder to recover before being able to attack the dam again after losing it. Maybe each location can have a special extractor or something that can be used by the whole faction, and if you don't own the territory you can't use it. Would give people reason to go to war to get exclusive stuff to that location, it would also give every faction a sort of monopoly/ way to earn money. Maybe you could have Crimson Caravan, or some other event faction be able to come around once a week with high value loot focused towards the factions they go to visit, oh yes, they also personally go to each factions base at set times for like an hour or something once a week. Like Mondays at 5 Unity, Tuesdays at 7 Legion, etc. Maybe we could even add the Divide itself, it could be an entire PVP zone with Super rare loot. But it works like the Dark zone in the Divison. I have heard that we use to have the Institute as a faction and would abduct people and turn then into synths, we could bring that back, maybe even secretly bring it back. I think it would be cool to have that again. I know a lot of my ideas here are WAY to ambitious for a Gmod Server, and some are outright stupid (like the dark zone idea) But I'm just throwing my ideas out as a player who loves this server and wants to see it grow. My ideas are here to give the development team, staff members, and community members ideas to think on and input their own opinions. Apologies for any typos. I'm to lazy to fix the rest. Please leave a reply to your thoughts or even more ideas if you wish.
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Add gaining 1cap for drinking bottled drinks, ie All Nuka-colas, Vim & Sunset Sarsaparilla. Explanation of suggestion? In all Fallout games drinking a drink that uses a bottle cap gives you the bottle cap so upon drinking a bottle 1 cap gets added to your wallet How or why does this benefit the server? This is a small change. But I believe it would add more to the RP, and it would be a cool way to have more unique features for drinks. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A ========================================================
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Our Enlisted armor is less than adequate, They are all quite simpler and our MK2 & MK1 have the same stats. Explanation of suggestion? CURRENT STATS Army Combat Armor MKII & MKI DR: 63 Speed: 0 Army Recon Armor DR: 65 Speed: 0 PROPOSED CHANGE Army Combat Armor MKI DR: 63 Speed: 0 Army Combat Armor MKII DR: 65 Speed: 0 Army Recon Armor DR: 60 Speed: 5 How or why does this benefit the server? The USAR Enlisted armor is lacking in some places, especially our MK1 & MK2 which possess the same stats which doesn't make much sense as it is an upgraded variant. Our Recon Armor is not very good so a speed increase could add some difference to make it unique compared to each other. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A ========================================================
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Currently, UNITY's centaur injector has an infinite range. Even though it is meant to be injected into the arm. Explanation of suggestion? Make the injector melee attack range. So like 1m. Currently, UNITY can spam the injector from 2 football fields away and hit you. How or why does this benefit the server? Players won't randomly be turned from ages away. It also breaks RP when it's a needle-based injection. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? (Paste links here) ========================================================
What do you want to be changed? Buff the chances of getting better shit in Orbital drops. Explanation of suggestion? Right now orbital drops are fucking stinky poopoo no matter the luck. I tell ya for a drop that comes not that often where most of the times you have to fight and race people to get it it needs to atleast have a higher chance of getting some cool shit instead of baseball bats and crafting materials. Much needed change in my opinion. How or why does this benefit the server? Make Orbital drops important again, actually makes it worth killing people for it. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A
What do you want to be changed? Change radium rifle to guaranteed rad damage. Explanation of suggestion? Radium rifle, currently, has a radiation feature that is oddly balanced. If you have no rad protection, you get 3 shot, if you do, it takes around 10 shots to kill 65/70dr. The suggestion is simple, lower the amount of radiation damage it does to 4/5 per shot but make it guaranteed like the gamma gun. Im aware this may bump it up to a high mid-end or low high-end but im willing to accept that and the changes that may come with it. How or why does this benefit the server? Makes the weapon more evenly balanced, and makes it so the weapons feature is a more prominent aspect of it's damage. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? The protectron needs a change to its main weapon and buff. Explanation of suggestion? Weapon Change: Dubble the fire rate of the weapon Reduce/or remove the explosion radius of the attack Fix issue where the weapon stops following mouse location just before firing Buff Change: Heal the player instead of giving a health boost If players are within the radius it slowly heals people within it EDIT: Voiceline Change: Remove all combat-related voice lines when using buff such as "You will be destroyed!" it doesn't make any sense for healing or giving someone a boost of health. Add voice lines to attacks ranged and melee. How or why does this benefit the server? The current protectron weapon is a hazard to everyone except the person you are fighting as the weapon's explosion radius hits everyone within a 50-foot radius, which can cause RDM issues when fired in Freeside. The buff change would see the protectrons buff becoming more used and effective within combat These changes will allow it to be not completely unused compared to the Mister Gutsy. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A ========================================================
What do you want to be changed? Add the Monorail Back Explanation of suggestion? Add the monorail tp that we had before. I don't know why its not there in the first place because all it does is add an interesting feature to a faction that is further away to the central hub of the map. Make it so you can TP from NCR base to the strip. How or why does this benefit the server? Freeside and the Strip are DEAD currently as there is nothing going on. In 5.0 there where factions and a lot of the nostalgia people had for the original map comes from there. But now there's nothing except for the odd new player getting mugged and never playing again. So just add it back. It will make for a lot more interesting situations and is where again a lot of the fun came from. A lot of people say that the fun of the server comes from always having to be aware of your surroundings (in order not to get kidnapped) well what better way to prove this then having to worry that soldiers could pop through the monorail. Its just an interesting aspect to have back. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Add info popup NOTICE for getting sold into slavery Explanation of suggestion? I want an info popup NOTICE for when you are sold into slavery, similar to when you get mugged, Fear RPed, etc. How or why does this benefit the server? New players aren't confused about what happens when they suddenly respawn after getting kidnapped. Also would alow less confusion in general about the rules of being sold to slavery. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A ========================================================
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What do you want to be changed? Mining to be a reasonable source of income again. Explanation of suggestion? Apparently there was update that deleted all the nodes in the Quarry and Legion mines too. And whoever tried to fix it did a substandard job. This person spawned a bunch of bronze nodes that require more coal to create an ingot and more time to produce and is worth half of an iron ingot. This person only placed 2 iron nodes and few coal nodes in the Quarry as well making mining much more competitive because there's really only enough for 1 person to be mining and he still has to wait for node respawns. I want to leave here a suggestion on how many nodes there should be of each mineral. Regarding Legion, mining is important not only as a source of income but as a tool for RP, Legion is supposed to enslave people and make them useful for the cause so there needs to be enough nodes so that at least 4 slaves can work at the same time without running out of resources. Legion Mine: 4 Silver Nodes 30/30 4 Iron Nodes 30/30 8 Coal Nodes 30/30 Quarry Outside: 8 Iron Nodes 30/30 8 Coal Nodes 30/30 Quarry Cave: 4 Gold Nodes 30/30 4 Silver Nodes 30/30 All Bronze Nodes should be removed until the price of the ingots is fixed in the NPC, as it is now it makes no sense, it takes more time and more coal to produce than Iron and it's only worth 5 caps while an iron ingot is worth 10. How or why does this benefit the server? It's a reasonable source of income for new players and veterans alike that invested in Strength builds for when it's impossible to loot due to server population. It allows for slaving factions to have a place where to RP and gain some income with said RP, which gives the opportunity for good karma factions to intervene. It gives purpose to the Quarry besides selling melee weapons. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No.
What do you want to be changed? Buff the AUG to high end standards Explanation of suggestion? Currently the stats for the Steyr AUG at uncommon does 42 dmg 300 RPM 3 || 0 These stats make the gun exactly the same as the marksman carbine.I would ask for much higher dmg and a higher rpm cause currently it is not a high end also its 1 every 6 weeks at 40K Proposed Stat Changes: 60dmg base 400-450 rpm 3 || 0 How or why does this benefit the server? Will make the gun worth using and not a 40K Uncommon Marksman Carbine Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A
What do you want to be changed? Allow factions other than FOA and Unity to have Blemish Kits. Explanation of suggestion? This can be done in a multitude of different ways, choosing new factions to get blemish kits, allowing it to be researchable. In one way or another though, the removal of brands should not be a feature locked to two factions. How or why does this benefit the server? Allows for more business opportunities around the idea of brand removal, for more roleplay to be done around obtaining blemish kits. etc etc. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? no
What do you want to be changed? Create harsher downsides for starvation, while upping the amount of time it takes to starve. Explanation of suggestion? Currently the hunger bar serves very little purpose, and a large chunk of the server doesn't really pay much attention to keeping it full. You can just focus on your water intake, and receive no noticeable downsides from starving. I believe the importance of having both food and water in ones diet should be prominent in the server. Gourmet food items should fill more hunger, and hunger should go down slower, while also providing more serious detriments to ones ability to survive like a higher endurance cost, strength perception or intelligence cost. along with this, new recipe's such as Cooked Fish may be implemented to further supplement the food supply, and perhaps greater variety and uses of foodstuffs in the future. How or why does this benefit the server? Creates more need for rp'ing, as farmers will now have a much greater purpose and bartering using food items will be significantly more important. Does not cause a severe detriment to any faction or individual, as everyone has access to at least basic forms of farming and sustaining a supply of food. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No.