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  1. What do you want to be changed? The Brotherhood of steel base needs a change, and a serious one at that. Its nearly impossible to break into. With the Gear they have compared to other COREA FACTIONS, and the Unfair base, it needs nerfed. Explanation of suggestion? As many people know, and most of Brotherhood know, but refuse to admit. There base is way to powerful of a base, along with a lot of their gear compared to other cores. Percent based weapons? Defibs, ONE, SMALL entry point, 2 high ground points, and a large open field to cover, things need to be fixed. Mostly the base, but I felt I had to include the gear to make more sense as to why BoS needs a tune down for their base. I don't want to make BoS nerfed to the ground. That ruins the fun for everyone, but their base needs a fix. now let's start with what is wrong, and then how to fix it. 1. Entry points. currently their is only one real way to enter BoS base, unless you go inside. But thats not allowed obviosuly, and neither is prop building over the chainlink fence they have that covers the entire back wall. So the only way to actually enter the base is through the LONG entrance, aka death valley. Now this isn't to hard to do honestly. The issue is when you get to the top, that little outpost on the top of the hill when you turn right. That's when it's impossible, with BoS having Helios tower, the top of their base that they can grapple onto, and the massive open front entrance. They can get guns aimed at ALL angles and proceed to make a kill box. Their is no way to get past it. It's impossible for anyone to win an offensive war against BoS because of this. 2. Helios Tower : the tower is the ONLY base that have a tower, one that can snipe anyone pretty much. With the % based gear (Only core faction that has it btw) and all the other much stronger gear they have compared to all other cores. makes it much harder to fight against aswell. 3. Their main base : The fact they can grapple onto the building is BS, they have so much room, and a tower. Why do they need a 3rd advantage point. A tower, a base roof, and a open field. Along with Defibs, and a impossible to break kill box. This is such a biased favor towards BoS base. Now how to fix this. a couple ways to fix this would be to prevent shooting, not observing or spotting; from the Helios tower. Now personally I DO NOT think this is the right choice, its a good place to shoot from, and makes sense. But thats an option. One thing I think is needed is all cores should get some form of tower to make it fair. the next solution is to Make a entry way, or two of them from the solar fields, maybe a hole that goes under the fence, or a part of the fence thats been broken into on either side of the solar field. The third solutution is to make the Top of the Helios base a No entry zone. Make it a kill zone or something. That one is the most broken things possible. Also MOVE THEIR CAP ZONE, why is it Behind their base. It should be upfront, right by the truck cover infront. why does this benefit the server? Many factions won't even have a chance against BoS base. Let alone unity and NCR combined. This would allow other to be able to properly have a chance against them. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No clue. Side note : Yes, I am going to get constant down votes from BoS members. But I don't care about the heat. This is a problem for ALL factions when fighting BoS. Let alone when 2 of the largest, Unity and NCR fight together in a 2v1 against them. And STILL can't break past the Death Box. Imagine if BoS went to war against West tek, or Fiends. Some smaller Custom Faction. There would be 0 chance for them to win. And a very very small chance to be able to hold them off.
  2. Please Read the whole thing before you get mad and just downvote cause it sounds like a terrible idea. So I mainly made this because I wanna get people to start thinking of new ideas for the map/Server. Obviously with the whole server situation that has went down chaos has erupted. We don't know if the Gmod Server will be coming back online soon, or until after the new map is done. I believe this is a great time for us, as a community to start making input on things we wanna see added or changed. So, I figured I'd put my personal input in coming from a purely RP outlook. So no, I'm not thinking of any sort of balanced or fairness in this. I'm PURELY thinking of it in a RP way. I would like to mention I think we, as a community should get some form of Daily, or Bi Daily announcement on what is going on with the server, what's getting fixed/worked on, etc. Just until the server is fixed. I know a lot of people, myself included. Are very anxious, and worried about it currently. Anyways, here is the MAIN topic of this post. I think that each faction should get a Pre Determined starting location on the map that Fits Lore wise when the NEW map is released. For example NCR gets Camp McCarron. Unity gets Black Mountain or Jacob's Town. Fiends get Vault 3. Legion gets The Fort. Enclave gets remenant bunker, BoS gets Hidden valley. Etc etc, you see the point. Each faction would get their MAIN base location from the actual Game. Now some of you may be thinking "what about custom factions like Talon." Those can get bases based upon what their faction is, and available spaces on the map. So IN MY OPINION. An example could be that Talon, a mercenary based faction. Could get the NCR base that's on the strip from in game (NCR Military Police HQ), or maybe they can get REPCON HQ. It puts them in a good spot for people to hire and trade with them. Other factions like U.S could get The Air Field or some other military base location. Obviously you'll have Your Van Graffs and Crimson Caravon or even Gun Runners (would be super cool to have cause then we could get their weapons hopefully) where they are normally in game aswell. This is a RP server. With the new map looking to be much bigger I think this would be a welcome START. I simply say this as a start. Obviously people are gonna go to war and fight for other territories. I just think since we aren't doing a full reset. Just a map transfer. This would be a good way for people to have a guaranteed starting point without having to run around the map and worry about the best spots being taken, and it would also allow people to get their members back into their factions faster. This suggestion of mine very well can be thrown out and forgotten. I definitely know it has many flaws. Especially because we don't even know how big the map is and what is actually gonna be there. Half the locations could not even exist. I just think it could be a good idea and wanted to get my thoughts out there and allow others to start thinking of some cool ideas to bring to the server. (You can skip this part, its just a bunch of other ideas to feed peoples imaginations) Side Ideas: I think The Dam should be added, and with it. It being a Nuetral location that can be won via wars for it. To start a Event will go down and the winning faction gets control of it. No idea what the event would be. Could be PvP, scavanger hunt, thats not what im here for, im not an event manager. Anyways, whoever holds it gets some sort of bonus for their faction. And Once a week, each faction can choose to have a War/raid or whatever for the dam. Would be a cool way to do wars or events besides just attacking peoples bases. You could also make special events for the controlling faction to try and make it public again if they seem to be to strong to take it. Like aliens attack and take it over and now people have to fight them for it or something, you could even have a grace period after you lose it. Like you have to wait a week inorder to recover before being able to attack the dam again after losing it. Maybe each location can have a special extractor or something that can be used by the whole faction, and if you don't own the territory you can't use it. Would give people reason to go to war to get exclusive stuff to that location, it would also give every faction a sort of monopoly/ way to earn money. Maybe you could have Crimson Caravan, or some other event faction be able to come around once a week with high value loot focused towards the factions they go to visit, oh yes, they also personally go to each factions base at set times for like an hour or something once a week. Like Mondays at 5 Unity, Tuesdays at 7 Legion, etc. Maybe we could even add the Divide itself, it could be an entire PVP zone with Super rare loot. But it works like the Dark zone in the Divison. I have heard that we use to have the Institute as a faction and would abduct people and turn then into synths, we could bring that back, maybe even secretly bring it back. I think it would be cool to have that again. I know a lot of my ideas here are WAY to ambitious for a Gmod Server, and some are outright stupid (like the dark zone idea) But I'm just throwing my ideas out as a player who loves this server and wants to see it grow. My ideas are here to give the development team, staff members, and community members ideas to think on and input their own opinions. Apologies for any typos. I'm to lazy to fix the rest. Please leave a reply to your thoughts or even more ideas if you wish.
  3. In-Game Name: NCR - SGT Bernie BOS - Operator Black PLA - PFC Ah Kum Desert Rangers - Bernard Scott Steam ID and Discord ID: wi.lll.iam STEAM_0:0:511819353 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198983904434 Length of Time on the Server: Joined 2 months ago when the server was just entering beta. 62 hours playtime. Why do you want to be a staff member?(100 word minimum): I would like to become a staff member because I believe that I could help fill the sometimes void of staff during European downtime hours where usually a lot of questionable things happen on the server due to the absence of consequences. It would also enable certain factions to do things that require a staff member's presence like branding or dealing with LTAP and LTARP reports. Besides what I think I could help out with on the server I have played FalloutRP in general for a couple of years at this point and have never taken up staff work of any kind and am sort of interested in seeing how it's like to be a staff member. Previous Staff Experience: None, but I have some experience with staff commands. What Skills/Attributes do you bring to the table?: I can type pretty fast and I'd say that I have a pretty good understanding of the rules, common sense, and whatnot. How old are you?: 17. What are your past bans on the Server (if any): None. List as many rules as possible from the rule page without looking: FailRP RDM NLR FearRP LTAP/LTARP Having valid proof for PKs / the rules for PKs OOC and IC rules Meta Game/Baiting Rules relating to ROE (when you're allowed to shoot someone else)
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