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Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? USAR Has a lot of broken stuff rn, our vendor stocks across the board are bellow par and the system we custom ordered is basically no longer profitable in comparison to the rest of the server. Explanation of suggestion? Here's a Breakdown: Our PA training stock is 4 every month I have been informed this is massively below par compared to most individuals VB-01 Stock is 5 weekly other factions get 5 daily T-45 is 10k caps per, when in other factions it is 4k on a higher stock Our T-51 is 20k or 35k dependent on variant, other factions have theirs for 9k on a higher stock our T-60 is 35k other factions get theirs for 25k Oil System currently takes 5 minutes to produce 15 minutes to refine in our refinery and sells for 1250 The wasteland refiner currently sells for 250 caps less per barrel and takes less time to refine. This is not what we ordered, the system was supposed to allow us and PLA to buy from wasters for more while still remaining profitable, an increase to 1750 would be reasonable as it allows us to buy from wasters while still remaining at a profitable margin, perhaps there could also be a slight decrease in refining time as right now it is 20+ minutes per barrel of oil fully refined and produced. I have raised this to SC numerous times and they have said they are sick of dealing with my system so I'm doing this here, we wanted a good money making system for the server, something new and fresh and they have simply punished us for it, all I want is to be on par with similar factions, I don't want to be op I simply want to be on par. How or why does this benefit the server? This would put USAR's utilities on par with other members of the server as it is currently rather unfair that what I was told is supposed to be a staple PA custom has currently got worse stocks and worse money making with a system we paid for then a number of customs that shall remain nameless but have recently been added to the server, I just want my faction to be at least on par with the other factions of a similar standard. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No ========================================================
What do you want to be changed? This would normally be called a nerf. But I prefer to call it a rebalance as me and a lot of other people are don't think the transition from "West-tek" to "Outcasts" Specifically looking at there Tesla RCW (that doesn't require broad shoulders like most guns of that caliber do) and there gauss gat which I understand is restricted by stock and to HC but as the server goes (however long it goes) that will quickly spiral out of control. Explanation of suggestion? I have heard a lot of excuses for there ability and power. I will mention the ones that i've heard and say why they dont make sense. Before I start. I wanna point out West-tek was a research faction. Thats why they had the bonus. Outcasts is PVP faction. For them to have the same gear BUT better is insane. First while talking to Payne about this (outcast HC) He said one of the reasons for there overpoweredniss is because that they (I imagine he meant the people that paid in for west-tek) Paid a lot of money for it and at the start of the server's creation. This makes no sense to me as ALL custom factions have paid money to be where they are. And I was told USAR has payed even more then them (not to say they aren't strong as well but just not as strong as Outcasts) So saying that they can be that strong just because they paid doesn't make any sense. Everyone has paid there way. And 90% of customs aren't as strong. Another excuse I heard for there placement (and this is to do with what a lot of people are annoyed about) They are allied with main BOS. Now everyone has complained about this and Payne excused it as BOS "needing" an ally. Well it is not the servers fault they are like this. Relations are a part of the game. Either you are good at it or not. This was the same excuse that was used in 2.0. Still makes no sense. If they bent so easily to outcasts why arent they just one faction? Another excuse heard "have you seen how OP cores are?" This may be the worst one of all. Customs and cores should not be compared. Simple as. Lastly as this has gone one already too long. The transition from "West-tek" to "Outcasts" was just one big buff to them. First of all I have seen it said that "Westk-Tek" had a flag up cap? Gone for outcasts for some reason. Even though the same gear is still OP. Now in the past it has cost MORE money to convert one faction to another. I know first had that it cost USAR A LOT of real money to transfer from WL to USAR. More than $750 (and in total over a GRAND). Now of course I dont know the dealings of whatever it cost (although the theory is that it was nothing as Payne is SC) and if that was true that would be outrageous as they have gained so much more in becoming outcasts. A whole new base and tech recycler and a robo brain WL, just for starters. But if it truly was just the initial payment for "West-tek" that is unfair to EVERYONE who ever put a single cent in the server. Oh and very last thing. The Outcast leader said yesterday that if the Tesla RCW was nerfed the person who paid for it would charge back. Hopefully that was a joke but that has been done in the past? Where are gunners now? I can go on to talk more about this and will if this gets denied. All I want is for SC to look over Outcasts again and see if they can level it out a little more before moving forward. UPDATE: Outcasts assisted NCR in a war. They have Ghouls and Mutants in there ranks. Outcasts is a custom and so can do whatever they want. But im tired of there poor excuses. They dont care about rp or the codex. NO EXCUSES LADS! How or why does this benefit the server? As mentioned this is what is fair for everyone. Everyone has paid money for there customs. And you can't come to me and say something like "COA" is the same as "Outcasts" All I ask is to go over outcasts again. And make the adjustments to the gear now that the faction is no longer player capped. "West-tek" was seen as an OP faction but since it was capped and a research faction. Nobody cared. Outcasts IS a PVP faction. There is no denying that. The same rules cant be applied. The people make the server. If it was just a server with 5 SC members you wouldn't find it too fun I imagine. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? To make the USAR armor faction lead armor in line with the rest of the servers faction lead armor Explanation of suggestion? Currently, the USAR faction lead armour (US ARMY T-49 Power Armor ) has default T-60 stats; I propose that it be changed to be in line with the rest of the custom faction lead armour. Proposed stats change: DR: 85 Speed: -25 Jump: -15 How or why does this benefit the server? To make it so all factions are in line with each other and no faction is punished. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A ========================================================
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Ever since the tick rate change happened, Semi-Auto weapons that had high rates of fire are now nerfed. They do not fire as fast as they used to, but the automatic guns received a buff from the tick rate change. I would like all of the High RPM Semi-Auto Weapons to be looked at in order to make it feel as it used to before the change since some of the guns do not feel as good anymore. Explanation of suggestion? I explained it above. its in the sauce. How or why does this benefit the server? It makes the guns function the way they did before the tickrate change happened, which makes server balanced, and awesome, and cool. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? no. ========================================================
What do you want to be changed? Implement percentage-based healing for chems. Explanation of suggestion? Currently, healing chems in the game provide a fixed amount of health restoration, which can be ineffective against high-health targets like super mutants. Chems would heal a percentage of the target's maximum health by switching to percentage-based healing. This change would ensure that healing items remain relevant across all character types and health levels, enhancing gameplay balance and depth. How or why does this benefit the server? Implementing percentage-based healing for chems would significantly improve the gameplay experience on the server. It would promote better balance by ensuring that healing items are effective regardless of the target's health pool. This change encourages strategic decision-making and enhances player engagement, ultimately contributing to a more enjoyable gaming environment for all players.
What do you want to be changed? The Brotherhood of steel base needs a change, and a serious one at that. Its nearly impossible to break into. With the Gear they have compared to other COREA FACTIONS, and the Unfair base, it needs nerfed. Explanation of suggestion? As many people know, and most of Brotherhood know, but refuse to admit. There base is way to powerful of a base, along with a lot of their gear compared to other cores. Percent based weapons? Defibs, ONE, SMALL entry point, 2 high ground points, and a large open field to cover, things need to be fixed. Mostly the base, but I felt I had to include the gear to make more sense as to why BoS needs a tune down for their base. I don't want to make BoS nerfed to the ground. That ruins the fun for everyone, but their base needs a fix. now let's start with what is wrong, and then how to fix it. 1. Entry points. currently their is only one real way to enter BoS base, unless you go inside. But thats not allowed obviosuly, and neither is prop building over the chainlink fence they have that covers the entire back wall. So the only way to actually enter the base is through the LONG entrance, aka death valley. Now this isn't to hard to do honestly. The issue is when you get to the top, that little outpost on the top of the hill when you turn right. That's when it's impossible, with BoS having Helios tower, the top of their base that they can grapple onto, and the massive open front entrance. They can get guns aimed at ALL angles and proceed to make a kill box. Their is no way to get past it. It's impossible for anyone to win an offensive war against BoS because of this. 2. Helios Tower : the tower is the ONLY base that have a tower, one that can snipe anyone pretty much. With the % based gear (Only core faction that has it btw) and all the other much stronger gear they have compared to all other cores. makes it much harder to fight against aswell. 3. Their main base : The fact they can grapple onto the building is BS, they have so much room, and a tower. Why do they need a 3rd advantage point. A tower, a base roof, and a open field. Along with Defibs, and a impossible to break kill box. This is such a biased favor towards BoS base. Now how to fix this. a couple ways to fix this would be to prevent shooting, not observing or spotting; from the Helios tower. Now personally I DO NOT think this is the right choice, its a good place to shoot from, and makes sense. But thats an option. One thing I think is needed is all cores should get some form of tower to make it fair. the next solution is to Make a entry way, or two of them from the solar fields, maybe a hole that goes under the fence, or a part of the fence thats been broken into on either side of the solar field. The third solutution is to make the Top of the Helios base a No entry zone. Make it a kill zone or something. That one is the most broken things possible. Also MOVE THEIR CAP ZONE, why is it Behind their base. It should be upfront, right by the truck cover infront. why does this benefit the server? Many factions won't even have a chance against BoS base. Let alone unity and NCR combined. This would allow other to be able to properly have a chance against them. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No clue. Side note : Yes, I am going to get constant down votes from BoS members. But I don't care about the heat. This is a problem for ALL factions when fighting BoS. Let alone when 2 of the largest, Unity and NCR fight together in a 2v1 against them. And STILL can't break past the Death Box. Imagine if BoS went to war against West tek, or Fiends. Some smaller Custom Faction. There would be 0 chance for them to win. And a very very small chance to be able to hold them off.
What do you want to be changed? Buff the Suppressed Sniper. Explanation of suggestion? There is no reason for the Suppressed Sniper to be so weak when compared to the Modded Sniper. As it stands now it's a completely useless weapon and a complete downgrade from Modded for no discernable reason. It doesn't make logical sense nor does it make sense from a balancing standpoint, it's the exact same gun as Modded, why would it do so much less damage? How or why does this benefit the server? Makes another weapon that can actually be used effectively by people.
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Our Enlisted armor is less than adequate, They are all quite simpler and our MK2 & MK1 have the same stats. Explanation of suggestion? CURRENT STATS Army Combat Armor MKII & MKI DR: 63 Speed: 0 Army Recon Armor DR: 65 Speed: 0 PROPOSED CHANGE Army Combat Armor MKI DR: 63 Speed: 0 Army Combat Armor MKII DR: 65 Speed: 0 Army Recon Armor DR: 60 Speed: 5 How or why does this benefit the server? The USAR Enlisted armor is lacking in some places, especially our MK1 & MK2 which possess the same stats which doesn't make much sense as it is an upgraded variant. Our Recon Armor is not very good so a speed increase could add some difference to make it unique compared to each other. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A ========================================================
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Currently, UNITY's centaur injector has an infinite range. Even though it is meant to be injected into the arm. Explanation of suggestion? Make the injector melee attack range. So like 1m. Currently, UNITY can spam the injector from 2 football fields away and hit you. How or why does this benefit the server? Players won't randomly be turned from ages away. It also breaks RP when it's a needle-based injection. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? (Paste links here) ========================================================
What do you want to be changed? Change radium rifle to guaranteed rad damage. Explanation of suggestion? Radium rifle, currently, has a radiation feature that is oddly balanced. If you have no rad protection, you get 3 shot, if you do, it takes around 10 shots to kill 65/70dr. The suggestion is simple, lower the amount of radiation damage it does to 4/5 per shot but make it guaranteed like the gamma gun. Im aware this may bump it up to a high mid-end or low high-end but im willing to accept that and the changes that may come with it. How or why does this benefit the server? Makes the weapon more evenly balanced, and makes it so the weapons feature is a more prominent aspect of it's damage. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
What do you want to be changed? The Vindicator and Shoulder Mounted have to be nerfed. Explanation of suggestion? The Vindicator is a minigun that does 34 dmg base, is more accurate than a laser gat, has 600 rpm, and no rev up. This thing is literally better than an avenger, same thing goes for Shoulder Mounted except it has less ammo than the Vindicator. The fact that these two weapons are single handedly better than all miniguns, and frankly all autos in the server is insane. Should someone not be afflicted by stage 4 glaucoma, isn't legally blind, and doesn't have late stage Parkinson's. they can kill 83 DR (T-60) in less than 1 second. There is no counter play to this unless you too also have 90 DR and are on Chems. How or why does this benefit the server? Autistic weapons like this ruin any and all combat on the server that they're apart of, and are very unhealthy for balance. Me and everyone else who fights them have so much fun (we don't) whenever we die in less a second to these WMD level weapons. When they're balanced, combat involving these weapons will feel much more fair and awesome!!!!! Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion?
I asked staff council about this and they suggested that I make a fourm post about it. What do you want to be changed? Give FOA back there third faction storage and our custom ordered GMG or something to compensate it Explanation of suggestion? In Divide 1.0 and 2.0 the foa had 3 faction storages and seeker had custom ordered GMGs in our officer whitelist vendor. We are missing one of the storages and do not have our custom order weapon. If we cannot get the GMGs we asked that we be compensated in a lower tier weapon that we can use How or why does this benefit the server? This will make improvements to our faction because our storage is always full and we greatly need our third storage back. Also we need our custom order or something else so we can defend ourselves. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? no
What do you want to be changed?: There is a BUNCH of missing stuff we can't sell to the vendors which leads to everyone throwing their items on the ground like doo-doo logs. I know the server is down, but before it went down for maintenance, I was able to document missing items you can't sell to vendors. It'd be cool to see them fixed when the server comes back. Here's an incomplete list below, if you see items I missed, please add them in the replies. Explanation of suggestion?: Vendors and the items you can't sell to them: Blueprint and Frame Vendor: -.22 Sub-Machine Gun Blueprint -Riot Shotgun Blueprint -etc... Clothing Vendors: -Trader Cap -Trader Outfit -Prostitute Outfit -Memphis Kid Outfit -Wasteland Hoodie -Kings Outfit -Heart Glasses -Hockey Mask -Blind Man's Glasses -Wasteland Motor Hood -Construction Hat -Baseball Cap -Sombrero -Clean Settler Overalls -Winter Headwear -Tactical Hood Combat Helmet -Bandit Gas Mask -Greaser Outfit -Aviators -etc... Weapons Vendor: -Literally no crafted guns that I've seen can be sold here. You should be able to sell to this NPC vendor for slightly less caps then you would from selling it to CC or VG. Melee Vendor (Nipton): -Baseball Bat -Pool Cue -Hatchet -Combat Knife -Trench Knife -Crowbar -etc... Scrap Vendors (Protectrons): -They are all missing rubber Armor Vendor: -Tactical Combat Helmet -Anchorage Combat Armor -etc... This is not a full comprehensive list of all the missing items you can't sell to the vendors, I'm sure there are more missing items. Please add any items you know cannot be sold below in the replies. How or why does this benefit the server?: -Less items being thrown on the ground -Server runs better -More Bottlecap Schmoney™ for post-war gamers -It will make things less doo-doo Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion?: Nope.
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? The protectron needs a change to its main weapon and buff. Explanation of suggestion? Weapon Change: Dubble the fire rate of the weapon Reduce/or remove the explosion radius of the attack Fix issue where the weapon stops following mouse location just before firing Buff Change: Heal the player instead of giving a health boost If players are within the radius it slowly heals people within it EDIT: Voiceline Change: Remove all combat-related voice lines when using buff such as "You will be destroyed!" it doesn't make any sense for healing or giving someone a boost of health. Add voice lines to attacks ranged and melee. How or why does this benefit the server? The current protectron weapon is a hazard to everyone except the person you are fighting as the weapon's explosion radius hits everyone within a 50-foot radius, which can cause RDM issues when fired in Freeside. The buff change would see the protectrons buff becoming more used and effective within combat These changes will allow it to be not completely unused compared to the Mister Gutsy. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A ========================================================
What do you want to be changed? Make stealthboys have a (1-3) second use time to stealth. *Edited to remove the unstealth use time AND Up the base time they can be active for. Explanation of suggestion? The way I view stealthboys is as a repositioning tool to be able to flank and out maneuver enemies, and while it is used for this purpose I think it also has the capacity to just be something you can use mid-combat to heal while invis. I think it would help server combat to give stealthboys a longer invis time so that it is easier to flank and get a better position on people, while still giving them a limitation that stops them from being too meta. How or why does this benefit the server? I think stealthboy meta is/has been cringe and most of the problems people have with it is mid-combat healing while invis. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No Also if anyone has ideas for changes/suggestions it would be great if you added them in the replies. Also if this goes through the nightkin white list should receive a compensatory buff, possibly 5-10 speed or 50-100 more hp.
What do you want to be changed? Add proper head shot hit-boxes and limb multipliers to all PA / mutants / robots / armors that don't have head shot hitboxes Explanation of suggestion? A lot of the power armors and mutants are much stronger than they should be on paper just because they lack a proper head shot hitbox to hit that big damage with, and some armors don't possess any head shot hitboxes. I'm pretty sure the limb damage is also scuffed so it's just a flat 1x to everywhere How or why does this benefit the server? Evens the playing ground between 60 - 70 dr armors and the armors above since you would actually be able to hit proper head shots on enemies, especially mutants, ao bots other stuff that doesn't have proper head shot hitboxes Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? GRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Add Nuclear Material to One or All of the extractors. Explanation of suggestion? In the process of creating the extractors, the once always present nuclear material was seemingly forgotten. And is now exceedingly rare in the server, and lacks a proper way to acquire what is a widely needed material. How or why does this benefit the server? brings back nuclear material into the economy. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? no ========================================================
What do you want to be changed? Change the Gamma Gun to be a secondary Weapon. Explanation of suggestion? The gamma gun would simply work better as a secondary, allowing its user to use med-kits and unique primaries. The arguments against the gamma gun being a secondary are that It's too powerful! The gamma gun is indeed powerful, and in Ideal situations where everything goes perfectly if you find a target with less then 70 DR it can three tap. However the gamma guns slow fire rate and short mag more then balance that. Aside from that there is the elephant sized hole in the room, cordially left by the Ranger Sequoia which can swiftly dispatch justice and kill anything in one clip regardless of DR, with a fire rate more than double that of the gamma guns. And the best part? Its a secondary! Not to mention the fact the gamma gun is its self a pistol, and works best as a side arm. TLDR: powerful secondaries aren't an issue, the gamma gun being made a secondary wouldnt break the server or magically become a godlike weapon. How or why does this benefit the server? Provide more opportunities for COA to use this grand custom order in tandem with support items. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? no
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Return custom high ends to rare rarities, keep custom high end stocks at 2/4 weeks and cores down to 2 or 3 weeks depending on weapon, this in 1 year time (52 weeks/3 17 high end restocks for cores per wipe/ 26 lower end high ends per wipe if chosen) (13 high end stocks for customs per wipe). Explanation of suggestion? This was just kinda randomly decided the day of the high end restock for the factions and im not sure its that popular. Uncommon high ends perform very underwhelmingly for the price point they are at How or why does this benefit the server? Alexa play Bang Bang by Betty Chung (it allows people to feel like what they grind for is worth it) Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? Nah ========================================================
What do you want to be changed? Make raiding easier. Explanation of suggestion? As I'm sure most of you have noticed, a lot of factions are always red or most of the time with occasional yellow flag ups. It has come to a point where the server had 80 people online and every faction was red. This needs to be fixed, like it or not PVP is important for the server's health, not everyone wants to do sandbagRP. So here goes the suggestion: - Lower Yellow status to 4 online members, Green stays 8 because of wars. - Make it easy for factions to merge without getting nerffed to the ground. - Stop accepting new factions custom orders. - Make it a rule that factions have to go at least yellow once a week or risk getting locked for the benefit of the server. How or why does this benefit the server? It introduces merit to active factions and punishes the unpopular ones so in the free market of ideas only the good ones survive. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
Format: ======================================================== What do you want to be changed? Increase the base damage of the XL scoped assault rifle from the auction to 40 base damage, increase its rpm to 400 IT CURRENTLY IS AT 13500 DPM this would raise it to 18500DPM (/60 for dps) STILL LOWER THAN AN UZI AND MARSKMAN THAT COSTS PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR Explanation of suggestion? I spent 80k on a gun thats outdmged by the following, MP40, AAK, UZI, ASSAULT CARBINE, PPSH, and im sure the list goes on but im not gonna go buy another 5 guns to tell you they out dps the XL, just makes the gun a bit better numbers suggested can be changed ofc just feels a bit weak with the rpm How or why does this benefit the server? Makes the auction guns worth buying Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? Nah
What do you want to be changed? Buff the AUG to high end standards Explanation of suggestion? Currently the stats for the Steyr AUG at uncommon does 42 dmg 300 RPM 3 || 0 These stats make the gun exactly the same as the marksman carbine.I would ask for much higher dmg and a higher rpm cause currently it is not a high end also its 1 every 6 weeks at 40K Proposed Stat Changes: 60dmg base 400-450 rpm 3 || 0 How or why does this benefit the server? Will make the gun worth using and not a 40K Uncommon Marksman Carbine Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A
What do you want to be changed? Fix the damage, price, accuracy, or stock on DR'S guns (Short summary of the suggestion, several sentences max) All of guns are shit given that we're supposed to be this exclusive crime-fighting group of rangers, and despite that they're still consistently fucked over. Explanation of suggestion? A group like DR (We really do not have that many people.) That are supposed to be a small fight force of a group shouldn't have guns that are the equivalent of spitting on people. I'm not asking to give us some ridiculous crazy stat buffs, but give us a mild stat buff on like 2 or 3 guns like the m60 for example, which should be gas but it's hit-reg is utter shit. Logically, the guns in question would probably be the Liberator and M60 but the Ranger Sequoia and Anti-Mat are also extremely lack-luster for what they're supposed to be. How or why does this benefit the server? Makes the fighting more balanced compared to the other factions who have better shit. PVP should be more about fun than which faction paid the most for their custom ordered re-skin. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? No
======================================================== What do you want to be changed? The NCR medic armor is less effective than the trooper armor we give to recruits. I believe the DR should be raised. Explanation of suggestion? NCR medic armor only has 60 DR 3 less DR the regular NCR Trooper armor I believe the medic armor should at least be on par if not higher than regular trooper armor especially since it's a legacy outfit and can't be worn with anything else. How or why does this benefit the server? This will make becoming a medic in the NCR more appealing and increase the survivability of the people who are supposed to be keeping everyone else alive. Are there any workshop add-ons or content needed for this suggestion? N/A ========================================================
What do you want to be changed? Currently the NCR minigun is garbage. to the point where it is outclassed by literally every weapon. It has an incredibly long 3 stage rev up, It deals good damage, but the spread is wider than every shotgun from 20 feet. Explanation of suggestion? Where things currently sit, Legion has a one-tap Power fist, and a shotgun that one taps 70DR , BoS has a buffed gat laser that shreds with way better accuracy (and rev time after the much needed buff), and the NCR has a minigun that cant hit the broad side of a barn and takes 5 business days to rev up. How or why does this benefit the server? It gives NCR officers a chance to go toe to toe with legion and BoS officers because the minigun was supposed to help balance NCR against the BoS Gat Laser, but its not viable to the point where none of the officers want to use the minigun for combat, and would rather use literally anything else.
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